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We waited at the baggage claim as I realized I would have just enough time to get Amy to get us some coffee.

I handed her my debit card. "Go get us coffee, black, 5 sugars please." I said looking away. No matter how old I got I could never shake my sweet tooth...

Once she left my phone dinged, showing me the notification that I got a text.

Mrs.Hudson received your message.


My stomach dropped, as my mind raced.

SH? No, it couldn't be him could it.
But that's the only person you know who ends their texts like that other than you.
But it can't be him, in all of England?
He cannot, logically be the only person to end their texts that way.
But what if it was-

"Hey so you didn't tell me which size you wanted but I deduced that you would want a 16 ounce, get it? Because of like... jet lag and stuff... plus you get 16 ounce cups more than you get 12 ounce I think so like, it makes sense.... right?" Amy stuttered, holding onto the cup carrier and nudging me a bit, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I sighed, letting myself either think rationally or be blissfully ignorant, (I couldn't tell) deciding that SH wasn't even his first and last initials, and that it couldn't be him out of all the people in England living at our flat. I turned to her.

"Great, I'll hold the coffee and you hold the luggage, our other stuff will arrive in three days time but we have to go meet Mrs. Hudson." I said to her.

"No no no, no way I carried everything back in America you at least have to hold your carry on." She argued.

I sighed, looking at her.

"I'll pay you."

I walked through the airport with Amy feeling quite smug, my wallet a few pounds lighter sure, but the only weight I carried were in the form of two 16 ounce cups. I checked my watch, realizing that because of our little spat over the coffee and suitcases from earlier, we'll be two minutes late, so I called Mrs.Hudson.

"Hello Mrs. Hudson, I just wanted to tell you that we will be about two minutes late, well, about two minute and 26 seconds late, so don't worry about us, bye... oh also, no need to have someone send another text message." I said leaving another voicemail as I walked, I seriously do not need my mind to race again as much as it did moments ago.

"Why are always so precise? And how do you always know the exact minute when we're going to get some place? It's a little freaky to be honest." Amy asked.

"Because I'm smart and I calculate, end of story." I snapped, a bit on edge from earlier. I looked at my partner struggling with our baggage.

She is really going to stick out with that accent.

I hailed a cab for us and got in, drinking my coffee as Amy put our bags in his trunk, I handed her, her drink, which seemed to be a nonfat caramel latte from the smell and sighed.

"I apologize for snapping at you, I'm just a bit, on edge I suppose, from the jet lag." I lied, she hardly knows about my past and I don't want to relive it now.

"It's ok sometimes I get cranky when I don't get enough sleep too, like when you wake me up in the middle of the night to make me get you stuff, but hey, what are friends for?" She shrugged.

"But I pay you?" I asked, which is true, she's more like my assistant that I needed for errands and to help me pay rent back in America.

"Well yeah but you're the first friend I've had in a while, even if you weren't paying me there's like... a 50/50 chance I'd still hang with you!"

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