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Slowly I started to move the pill closer to my mouth as Sherlock followed suit.
Jeff matched the movement with his own pill toward his own mouth.

"You're not bored now, are you?" He asked us.

"Innit good?" He questioned.

Suddenly, a gun shot rang out, along with the breaking of glass at that exact moment the door to the classroom we were in opened.

I put the pill in my pocket for later examination. I felt two arms wrap themselves around me, hearing Amy's voice.

"Oh. My. Gosh! I thought you were totally gonna kick the can! Seriously I thought you were gonna-"

"Was I right?" Sherlock asked Jeff.

He turned his head away in disbelief as I grabbed the pill Jeff was holding earlier

"I was, wasn't I? Did I get it right?" Sherlock pushed.

He didn't receive a reply as Sherlock threw the pill away. I walked over to Jeff, leaning over him like Sherlock.

"Alright, at least tell us this: your sponsor. Who was it? The one who told you about us – our... 'fan'. I want a name." Sherlock ordered.

"No." He rejected as I laughed.

"That's funny how you think you have a choice in telling us or not." I mused.

"You're dying, but there's still time to hurt you. Give me a name." Jeff shook his head as Sherlock lifted his foot, putting it on the wound, he gasped in pain.

"A name." Sherlock demanded, Jeff still calling out in pain.

"Now!" I ordered.

Sherlock leaned into his wound more as Jeff whimpered.

"The NAME!" Sherlock screamed.

"Moriarty!" Jeff cried, and with his last breath, his eyes closed.

We all were silent for a while, until, Amy, as usual, broke the silence;

"Wow. That was intense."

I smirked.

"We did it." I breathed. Sherlock looked at me.

"We did it!" I yelled. He smiled. I hugged him as he picked me up.

"So are you guys not angry at each other now? Or...?" I chuckled at Amy.

I looked up at Sherlock as he looked down at me I smiled, and started laughing Sherlock following suit, I pushed him away in a friendly manor as Amy started laughing to, speaking;

"Oh you guys are nuts."

Sherlock's pov:

I sat at an ambulance a few feet away from Alexandra, I was thinking when I saw her waving around an orange blanket and screaming at one of the paramedics. She threw it down, starting to walk towards us with her friend.

"The nerve of some people." She mumbled, sitting down next to me on the ambulance.

A paramedic put an orange blanket around my shoulders once more.

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