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I furrowed my eyebrows, turning my flashlight upwards behind Amy to see Sherlock!

"Sherlock! What are you doing here?! I thought you weren't coming?!" I whisper screamed at him, hitting his chest.

"I changed my mind." He stated simply as Amy walked over to my side.

"No! You are not going to steal this case away from me and take the credit for it!" I whispered at him.

"I never do that! Nor have I ever done that!" He fired back.

"Listen here you tall... high cheekboned... freak!" I whispered trying to find an insult.

"I have unknowingly been in your shadow ever since we met! Sure I was fine with it when I didn't realize it but the time I have spent away from you opened my eyes! I don't want you here! I don't need you here! And I don't care about you period! So, please kindly leave!" I whispered yelked at him angrily.

He was about to say something when Sherlock and I both heard footsteps and thoughts started flying my way.

I turned my back on Sherlock, facing Amy.
"Amy, the first victim-"


"He had two grandsons, two!" I stated.

She nodded.

"Yeah? So?" I sighed, pausing for a bit, looking at her and then at Sherlock behind me.

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" I asked her, shining my light on her in front of me as she shrugged.

"So what if it's connected? I mean these two grandsons, they had done petty crimes before, stealing from convenience stores and such they could've escalated in their crimes since then, they could've gotten more sneaky, stopped getting caught leading to them thinking that they'd never get caught which means-" I spoke, getting interrupted by Sherlock.

"So you're saying-"

"Yes." I said to him, turning to face him.

"Yeah sorry, um I don't pick up on your guises super smart mind reading frequencies what are you two saying?!" Amy said, getting in between Sherlock and I.

"I'm saying what if there wasn't just one murderer? What if there's two?!"

Sherlock suddenly let out a muffled grunt, I shifted my flashlight towards him seeing a hand with a cloth latched onto his mouth.

"Amy! Duck!" She did as she was told as I punched into the darkness, knowing I hit a face that wasn't Sherlock's and hearing a thump not long after.

Sherlock took a deep breath, leaning on a wall and holding his chest.

"You- you saved me." He breathed raggedly.

"...Well... of course I would." I scowled, crossing my arms.

He smiled at me, still out of breath from the rag that no doubt had chloroform on it.

I felt my face soften but made myself remember the task at hand.

"Come on!" I put his arm around me... to... support him, of course.

"Let's go catch a murderer."

We got to the room where we heard the door open.

"You know, you were just like my dear old grandfather. A lazy loon who could've done something about his problems, but no he chose not to. Something about him knowing it was his time to go." I heard a mocking voice say.

Amy was about to turn on the light but I caught her wrist, shaking my head.

"He could've saved himself. He didn't have to be here! If he would've just lost the weight he would've..." the voice trailed off and sniffles a bit as if he was crying.

"Anyway. I hope you go to the same place my grandfather went. Tell him I said 'hi'!" I let Amy turn on the light just in time.

"Stop right there!" Sherlock and I both said.

"So you are the murderer your brother is the look out." Amy accused.

"That's exactly right. Got a problem with it?" The man in about his early 20s said.

"Your accent, cockney." I observed.

"Yeah." He confirmed.

"Amy," she turned to me.

"Take the mallet and incapacitate this man please."

She shrugged.


"You don't think I'll give up that easily do you?!" He laughed as he swung the mallet at Amy. She promptly moved out of the way and kicked him in the gut, forcing him to drop the mallet. Sherlock was able to get over and pick up the mallet. I took out a large evidence bag and opened it for him as the man took a swing at Amy.

"You little-" Amy caught his fist, grabbing both his wrists and pinning him to the wall.

"Hello Mr..."

"Wallers. Mr. Wallers." The man said to me.

"Thank you. Hello Mr. Wallers, we're here to help. I'm a consulting detective for Scotland Yard along with my friend here, Sherlock."

Amy hit his head onto the wall, not to kill him just enough to knock him out and cause a concussion.

"Do not worry. We're here to help." I reached out my hand, Mr. Wallers hesitantly taking it as I help him over to his bed.

"Sherlock, call-"

"Lestrade? Already doing it." He said, the phone to his ear.

"Perfect." I set the man back under his covers, my hands on my hips as I smiled.

"Looks like we've solved a mystery!" I stated triumphantly.

"No." Sherlock said once he finished his quick call to Lestrade and walking over.

"You solved this mystery." He said as I noticed how close he was to me.

"Well..." I said, making it seem as though I'd take the humble route.

"Yes. You're right! I did solve this mystery!"

He chuckled as I followed his action.

"Hey what about me?! I'm the One who went all karate crazy on the dude!" Amy exclaimed.

"Alright alright. We did it. Happy now?" I asked her.

"Very!" She turned back to the guy and nudged him a bit with her foot.

"Hey, you dead?"

"Well then, I suppose you won't need John or I's help then from now on, will you?" He asked, still close to my considerably smaller frame.

"Well... I suppose we don't have to work completely alone next time." I smiled.

"Wait wait wait, first you hate each other, then you hug, then you hate each other again, and now you're best friends?! What the hell happened to your nostalgic tension?! That was my main source of entertainment for a good month!" Amy yelled at the both of us. We looked at each other, as he smiled and we started laughing.

"What's so funny?!"

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