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Alexandra's pov:

I walked quickly and alone into Scotland Yard, mindless deductions of the employees there to keep me company as searched the dull signs hanging from the ceilings to find Lestrade's office.

Newly married

Wants to quit

Afraid of getting fired

I deduced from random people along the way, eventually finding Lestrade's office, and confidently strolling through, opening the door without knocking.


"Have you made any progress on the case yet?" I interrupted the startled Lestrade.

"You know you need to give me more res-"

"I will give you more respect when you do your job correctly what progress have you made on the search." I said planting my hands on his desk in a harsh manor as Lestrade opened his mouth to speak.

"Bit harsh Alex." Amy's voice said to me in my mind.

"Shut up." I spoke aloud.

"What?!" Lestrade exclaimed.

"Nothing just give me the files." I said quickly.

"I thought I was going to come you."  He said begrudgingly, going over to his file cabinet, and yanking the papers out.

"Yes well you were taking too long, what have you found?" I asked.

"Well, there was one with diabetes, and another that had over weight problems, and another had bone cancer along with other things."

"Give it here." I said sharply.

"Obviously you haven't looked hard enough." I chided.

"Burn!" I heard Amy say once again from my mind.

I scoffed, a smirk on my lips.

"What's so funny?" Lestrade asked, hands on his hips.

"Hm? Oh nothing! Thank you for the files I did some experiments and found that the way he hit the last particular victim was reckless, the others were planned but the last one was a spur of the moment type of thing. He was angrier than usual and wanted to take it out on someone." I explained as I looked over the file, not really reading it, just skimming, so I could truly analyze it at the flat.

"Anything else?" Lestrade asked, as I walked towards his office door.

"Well he's obviously a serial-"

"Obviously?!" Lestrade questioned.

"Yes of course. He wants credit for what he did. That's why he left the murder weapon at the crime scene in the first place after five homicides, he wants attention. Probably deprived of it as a child forcing him to take action, anyway, he burned off his finger prints, he's clever. He knows what he's doing and he enjoys doing it. We're like a plaything to him. And murder is his favorite toy."

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