Chapter 1

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Hope: Kelley I know you want to start a family but what if the test is negative again? You remember what happened last time when you though you were pregnant...

Kelley: but I know I'm pregnant this time, I can feel it! I've already schedule a appointment with the doctor to see if I am or not

Hope: ok Kelley but if it shows you aren't pregnant I don't want to hear you complaining again for a week saying that we didn't try hard enough

Kelley: I promise you won't, also the test came positive so there's a chance hope

Hope: yes a chance like 1000 to 1 chance.....

Kelley: stop being so negative for once please

Hope: fine just for you


Doctors appointment

Kelley: so are you exited to see if we're expecting are first child?

Hope: if you are actually pregnant then yes I will over joyed because I know how much you want to start a family

Kelley: it will happen Hope, the 3rd times a charm I just know it

Nurse: Mrs.Kelley O'hara solo?

Kelley: hello nurse

Nurse: hello you must be Kelley for the ultrasound

Kelley: yes

Nurse: ok then follow me to the room so we can wait for the doctor

Kelley: thank you

20 minutes later

Doctor: Kelley, hope it's great to see you again, so we are here for a ultrasound because you took a pregnancy test and it came back positive Kelley?

Kelley: nice to see you again to, yes actually I took the test a few days ago so I scheduled to have a ultrasound to see if the test was right or not

Doctor: well I guess we'll have to take a test to prove that won't we?

Hope: yep, I want Kelley to be happy and I think having a baby will do that

Doctor: I think so to, ok let me get a test from you Kelley and I will be right back


Doctor: well Kelley and hope I have some wonderful news for you, the test came back positive! Congrats you to I know how long you've been trying

Kelley: thank you Doctor

Hope: can we do a ultrasound to see how far along Kelley is?

Doctor: yes, I was just about to that actually

Kelley: wonderful

Doctor: ok Kelley lay down and this might be a little cold

Kelley: ok

Doctor: hmmm, ah here we go... Wait um Kelley, hope I think I've got some news you might wanna hear....

Kelley: oh no is the baby ok?

Hope: is everything ok?

Doctor: well if I'm correct from my 25 years on the job it looks like you guys are expecting twins!

Kelley: what?! Really!

Hope: oh my god... I think I'm going to puke.....

Doctor: oh umm here a trash can... Back to the news, well Kelley it seems that from the length of the twins right now you will be due around I'd say Christmas or January

Kelley: wow... Did you hear that hope?

Hope: I'm sorry what, I was puking in the trash can

Kelley: the twins will be due around Christmas or January

Hope: you've got to be kidding me right? Christmas? Oh please be born in January so

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