Chapter 10

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Kelley's POV

The twins are now a week old and you can already tell who looks like who, Benjamin looks like a clone of Hope but a boy version and Chloe looks a lot like me with my nose, and smile but had hopes Beautiful eyes that can sweep anyone's off the feet... When Chloe gets older I just know she will be able to get away with almost anything because those eyes are just to hard to say no to, but what really is going to male others to say no to him is all the similarities he has with hope it just will be impossible to say no ever

Benjamin was so quiet and calm just like hope so we both knew he would have hopes personality and looked exactly like her so it wouldn't be a surprise if he acted just like her, but Chloe on the other hand was so energetic we both could almost never get her to sleep and hope told me "see this is what happens when one baby gets the O'hara genes and the other gets the Solo genes" and I knew exactly what she meant, Chloe has this personality that can make anyone's day, she loves smiling and making people laugh from little things she does and hope told me "watch Kelley she will turn into you, acting like a 5 year old when she is a adult,will love squirrels just you, be that one person that loves annoying people for fun to try and make them smile" and I though about it a few times saying "what if you turned out exactly like me? Well her teammates if she plays soccer will have to deal with it and our teammates when she is a teenager"

I couldn't find a picture with a twin that had hopes eyes so just got with it

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