Chapter 15

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At the hospital with Kelley and hope

Hope's POV

Kelley walked back to me with a sleeping Ben and said "ok I'm given to be as calm as possible but what the hell did you say to Carli?!" And as I explain what I said her eyes widen and before she says anything the doctor comes out with Chloe and says "hello ladies, I'm guessing your Chloe's moms, so Chloe is perfectly fine and nothing is wrong. She just swallowed a little puff chip of some kind and it wouldn't go down all the way so we helped her and now she is fine" and Kelley says "so she didn't swallow like any marbles,magnets or paper clips?" And the doctor look what her and said "nope it was just some food she was able to completely chew on"

After the doctor left Kelley just goes full out rage on me with saying "look what you did Hope! You blew this way out of proportion and now Carli is God knows where and not answering her phone when I try to call her... You know what you can sleep on the couch tonight cause you crossed the line hope and now our friend is God knows where!" And I just take a deep breath and before I can get a word out of my mouth she just gets more angry and yells in a hush voice "you better fix this hope because you caused this mess! And you better hope to god nothing happened to her or it will be on you"

With Carli

I just asked the driver to drop me a couple blocks from my house and I thanked him and payed for my ride, I know I shouldn't be walking this late and night but I just walked home with my headphones in blasting some song and I didn't know this but a man was walking behind me with a knife in his hand but I didn't know he was behind me till I felt a sharp pain in my side and I fall backwards hitting my head on the concrete and that's when it all happened... My life changing forever and I could never fix it... That thing that changed my life forever was this random man dragged me into a small ally and raped me and left me to die.....

Oh cliffhanger!!

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