Chapter 12

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Hope's POV

I can't believe the twins are now 5 months old today, it was just like yesterday they were born into this world and we didn't know what we would expect with Ben and Chloe. They are just completely adorable and act and look just like Kelley now but only one twin has my eye color and nose.

Kelley had asked me "you ready to take them to their first USWNT game yet? Cause I am" and I just looked at her like if she was crazy and said "they are 5 months old Kelley.. Ben doesn't like loud noises and Chloe would be fussy" and sure enough Kelley came heck with a counter argument and said "oh don't worry we would be in box seats so the twins don't have to hear the noise as much, I'm taking them to a game hope and you can't stop me cause sooner or later we will have to take them to a game, and yes I know you don't want the media taking pictures of the twins till the are a little bit older but come on they will be in the car seats with a blanket covering them from any camera's" and with that I had to accept that fact she was going to bring them and I just told her she can bring the twins but to make sure no media gets any picture of them cause the last thing we need is a 5 months old picture all over the Internet or photoshopped by a camera man

With rio coming soon and Kelley ready to come back we had to figure out what we were going to do with the twins cause of the virus going around, so we decided to bring them and have a family member come to watch over them cause never in a million years would I leave my kids behind to go to another country for a tournament and Kelley agree on the same thing with me

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