Chater 14

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Two chapters in one day!! In this chapter I decided to do something a little different, a few chapters back someone said Carli should baby sit the twins but with a little twist so here we go

Hope: Carli are you sure you will be ok to baby the twins? We can always cancel an-

Carli: oh my god I know how to handle babies you know... Enjoy your night and go have a nice dinner, I will be fine

Kelley: ok... But remember when the twins are eating Ben likes smashed carrot baby food in the glass little container and oh and Chloe likes her peach baby food so make sure you don't feed her the other one with peach and strawberry

Carli: Kelley I know, feed the twins at 7:30,  start giving them a bath at 8 Ish, keep the fan on in their room because they both like the fan on while they sleep, extra baby food is in the pantry, check up on twins at 9:30 and if they wake up put their music on in their room to put them to sleep, I know now go enjoy your night! We will be fine, if anything happens I can call Amy or Syndey for help,  now go before I get more frustrated

Kelley: ok, we will be back at 11 tonight, be good you two for Carli

Hope: Kelley lets go, I have dinner reservations for later and I don't want to be late....


With Carli

Ok you two we have 2 hours till I have to feed you so what shall we do? Hmm I guess you guys can start learning to crawl more. Chloe you are first.

"Ok Chloe crawl to me, I got your favorite bear right here" and just like I though Chloe was just looking at me like I was a complete moron with that same look hope has when someone is pissing her off... As I pick her up I say "Why did you have to inherit that from Hope? Out all things that look?" So then I decided to lay her back down in the play pen and try with Ben. But as I'm picking up Ben in the corner of my eye I see Chloe putting some little things in her mouth and I freak out and put Ben in the play pen, "no no no no Chloe, what did you put in your mouth?!?" As I'm trying to open her mouth I already notice she swallowed the object so I complete freak out now and call the one person I can call, I call Amy and she answers

A: hello? Carli why are you calling me at 5 pm?

C: Amy I need your help!! I am babysitting Chloe and Ben and I was practicing with them to learn to crawl, when I went to grab Ben Chloe put something her mouth and swallowed it!!!

A: woah woah woah Chloe swallowed something off the floor?!? Ok Carli calm down and take her to the emergency room and I'll call Hope or Kelley and tell then what happened ok? Be carful with her because you have no idea what she swallowed

Carli: God I'm such a bad babysitter! Kelley is going to kill me!!! Make sure when you call etheir of them that Kelley doesn't go complete crazy and try to kill me

A: you are not a bad babysitter and Kelley won't kill you.... Now go!


With Amy

"Well damn... This won't be a fun call to make...." *dials Kelley's number*

A: hey Kelley I know you are at dinner right now with hope so please don't freak out on me please

K: what is it?

A: *takes a deep breath* Carli is on her way to the emergency room with Chloe because Carli noticed in the corner of her eye that Chloe swallowed someth-

K: WHAT?!?!

A: *pulls the phone from her ear and hears hope and Kelley screaming at each other* Kelley? Kelley!

K: what!

A: please for the love of god chill out and please don't try and strangle Carli.... It's not her fault

K: I've got to go, my kid headed to the emergency room and I have no idea if she is ok or not!

With Carli

God why does this happen to me?!? All of a sudden Chloe starts crying in pain in the back seat and Ben looks like he wants to cry because he hasn't gotten any sleep yet or has eaten... Great... I try to calm Chloe down while flooring it to the emergency room by saying "Chloe please stop crying I know it hurts, it's ok Carli is right here, mommy and momma are on their way I promise sweet heart" I luckily get to the emergency room and jump out once I park and get Chloe and Ben and a nurse rushed over to me assign what's wrong and I explain to her what happened and her eyes go wide and takes Chloe and runs in the back to get a doctor while I just sit in a chair crying because this was all my fault that Chloe in the emergency room and that both hope and Kelley are probably going to hate me after this, just before I can go to the front desk and ask were the nurse took Chloe, Kelley and hope run through the doors scanning the room for me till they see Ben and run for him and Kelley says " oh my god thank god you are okay, mommy is here, I'm never leaving you again" and while Kelley is trying to calm Ben down hope just looks at me and says '"how the hell can you let this happen?!? How the hell did she swallow something?!" And I was about to say something when hope just yelled "just leave! You caused enough stuff to happen already today" and I just start crying and run for the exit and call a cab to pick me up, with what Hope said I just decided to not talk to her and not answer anyone's calls because from Hope said this is all my fault

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