Chapter 3

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2 months later

Kelley: we've made it 2 months hope! We should tell the team now

Hope: I guess cause you are kinda showing a little

Kelley: great let's video chat them all!


Megan: guys Kelley's video chatting us! Get over here cause she and hope have some special news!

Morgan: Megan chill you scream so loud like you are about to get murdered or something... (Rest of the team starts coming in)

Alex: ok I was sleeping Megan and you woke me up thinking something and ha- oh hey Kelley and hope

Kelley: hey guys!

Hope: hey everyone

Megan: ok quite with the chit chat and tell us the news!

Ashlyn: chill Megan

Kelley: *smiles* well the news me and hope have is we are pregnant!

Ali: what your joking right?!

Meghan: so that's why you haven't been at sky blue or talked to us for a while...

Ashlyn: no way! Congrats

Tobin: well looks like that little baby will have 23 aunties haha

Kelley: you mean babies will have 23 auntie....

Ali: wai-

Megan: twins?! Oh my god!!!!

Tobin: no way

Sydney: thank god! I won't be the only pregnant player with Amy!

Meghan: well hope you are screwed now haha

Heather: wait when are they due?

Christen: ya when?

Kelley: oh I'll let hope answer that....

Hope: December or possibly January

Heather: January?!

Christen: December?!

Sydney: well great hopey since you decided to have a baby right around now they could be born around christen or Heather's birthday! Do you not know how much they will probably talk about them now...

Hope: first off don't call me hopey.... Second I already though about that and praying they will be born before December or January

Sydney: anyway, have you guys though of names yet

Kelley: actually we have, we decided on Benjamin Louis O'hara- solo,Lucas main O'hara-solo, Chloe Winter O'hara solo or Sofia bay O'hara-solo

Megan: ok first off bay sounds like Bæ Kelley.... And main? Hope you approved of this?

Hope: actually yes... But I think I like Benjamin Louis O'hara-solo and Sofia bay O'hara-solo but we don't know the genders yet so who knows want well name them

Christie: guys we gotta go... We'll talk to you later guys and congrats on the twins

Hope: thank you

Kelley: thank you


Kelley: well since we told the team I guess I'll call my family and tell the, the news

Hope: ok

Kelley: *calls mom* K= Kelley m= mom

K: hey mom is dad,Erin and Jerry with you?

M: uh ya why?

K: put me on speaker so they can hear me

M: ok there, honey! Erin, Jerry your sister is on the phone!

K: you guys all there?

M: yep

K: ok I have some exiting news for you all, and mom don't scream PLEASE

M: is everything ok? *voice of concern*

K: yes but me and hope are pregnant!

M: oh my-

Erin: oh my god are you serious Kelley?! I'm going to be a auntie to a girl or boy?

K: well two actually

Dad: your having twins?!

Ke: ding ding ding

M: you are having twins and you haven't told us yet? How far along are you?

K: well I'm 2 months

Erin: you've known you have been pregnant for 2 months and you didn't say anything to us till now?!

K: surprise?!..

M:me and Erin are taking the first flight to you guys to help out

Erin: I nev-

M: to bad your coming Erin...

Erin: thanks Kelley... Thanks a lot

K: I'll talk you guys later and see you when ever you guys come


Hope: so how was it?

Kelley: well... My mom booked the first flight out here with my sister now....

Hope: your sister is coming? I can deal with your mom but your sister.... I'll just go out while you are with them...

Kelley: Erin isn't that bad Hope...

Hope: really? I second guess that Kelley

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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