Chapter 16

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Warning get a ton of tissues for this chapter....

With Carli

It felt like hours and still no one has notified me laying here in a pool of blood, that's when it happened.... I looked up breathing slowly with my eyes barley open and I see this bright light and I know exactly what that can mean and my body is telling me just go cause this pain is more than anything I can handle and that's when I muster up all my energy and pull out that letter for hope and Kelley and gripped it for dear life and that is when I close my eyes and telling my self it was still my fault that all of this happened and before I completely probably die right here I whisper "I love you hope and Kelley, I'll be watching over Ben and Chloe..." And that's it I close my eyes and my breathing stops

Kelley's POV

"Come on Carli answer!!"and then I call hope "go to her house! Maybe she left their" and hope leaves to the car with this guilt that can felt by everyone

Hope's POV

I start driving to Carli's house and I am driving slowly in case I see her and I decide to look in this small narrow ally and that's when I start running, I fall to the ground and automatically know it's Carli and I start checking if she has pulse and somehow she still has a shallow pulse and I start calling 911 and I notice a small paper Carli had in her hand and it says "to hope and Kelley" and I start crying and saying "Carli please don't leave us, the team needs you! We all need you!! Chloe is fine! I am so sorry what I said to you, you never deserved that *I hear the ambulance coming* please Carli stay with me, I know you can hear me, PLEASE!!!"

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