Chapter 5

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Kelley's POV
This pregnancy has been going great till the morning sickness started... But I would do it again for theses twins and hope knows it to. I was interrupted in my thoughts when Hope asked me "you exited to find out what the gender of the twins are? "Actually hope I want it to be a surprise, you know these two may be our only kids I know for sure you don't want to be pregnant and I'm also sure you told me it would be to expensive to have twins but mostly because we never may have another child..." Hope looked at me in shocked and put her hands in my shoulders and said "Kelley I know I said those thighs to you but I didn't mean any of it, I said that because in that moment I was scared like any other soon to be parent because one baby will be easy but two will be hectic and I was scared that I would be a bad parent to the twins, also Kelley next time we both want kids I will be the one having the pregnancy not you because seeing the way you are exited to have these babies and the experience you are having during this makes me want to experience it to, and if we can't have another child there are other options like adoption for example but we have go try the other options before that." I was in complete shock after what she said I just started to cry and then hope kissed me on the forehead and hugged me till I stopped crying

Hope's POV

Once Kelley told me everything and I said want I told her I felt more happy because I needed to say that and because I knew she needed that kind of support. I knew from day one that I wanted to experience being pregnant because seeing how Kelley is going through it I knew once the twins got older I that I wanted to experience it to.

What shocked me the most is when Kelley told me she wanted the gender of the twins to be surprise but then again it didn't surprise me much because I knew from the beginning of the trimester she would say that buy then again it could just be the hormones but who knows with Kelley...

Short chapter but I changed the format of the story, I'm on summer break now so I will upload a little more and I also go to the USWNT game soon!

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