Chapter 2

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Kelley: I can't believe it, twins hope! Twins!

Hope: ya I know, don't remind me...

Kelley: oh come on hope, right when you lay your eyes on them you will love them

Hope: the problem I'm having Kelley is that how are we supposed to have money to support twins? We already had everything planned for one baby not two

Kelley: well it's not my fault that the egg split or two made it through

Hope: oh no please don't talk to me about about that... Anyway what's your plan on telling the national team and sky blue?

Kelley: easy I just call over my sky blue teammates for a meeting and we will both tell them and do the same for the national team

Hope: oh no, there's no WE involved in Telling your teammates from sky blue... Well both team our team from the national team and I'll tell my teammates from Seattle

Kelley: oh fine Hope... Anyway wanna come up with some names for these two?

Hope: uh sure, if one is a boy Parker Louis O'hara-solo?

Kelley: I don't like Parker, what about Benjamin Louis O'hara-solo?

Hope: I like it, and his nickname can be ben, and if the other is a girl what about Chloe Winter O'hara-solo?

Kelley: aww where did you think of winter as her possible middle name?

Hope: well both twins girl and girl, boy and boy or boy and girl will be born in possibly winter so I though why not that

Kelley: that is perfect! Ok and what about Lucas main O'hara- solo and Sofia bay O'hara-solo just in case it's the same gender

Hope: bay sounds like Bæ and main sounds like a Main Street but I love them

Kelley: never again will I ask for your opinion on middle names again....

Hope: what? You asked and I gave you my opinion and I gave it to you

Kelley: whatever hope whatever....

Hope: *whisper voice* mood swings....

Kelley: what did you just say?

Hope: nothing honey.... Uh here I'll go buy you some food to make those twins grow *runs out door*

Kelley: I don't even want anything but ok...

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, comment which names you like better and what you want the gender of the twins to be!

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