Chapter 7

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5 months pregnant

Kelley's POV

I couldn't believe the twins were a boy and a girl, but then it was a shock to me, I asked hope "well since we know the twins are a boy and a girl can we name them now?" Hope smiled and said "ya why not, we have the options of Benjamin Louis O'hara- solo,Lucas main O'hara-solo, Chloe Winter O'hara solo or Sofia bay O'hara-solo" I though for a second and said "what about Benjamin Louis O'hara-solo for the boy?" Then Hope said "I love it, we can call him Ben for short cause it can be used for a nickname" after that I started thinking for our little girls name and said "I like Chloe Winter O'hara-solo, I was thinking about her middle name maybe being Maureen like my middle name but I didn't know if you would like it or not" hope immediately said "Kelley I would love for our daughter to get your middle name, Chloe Maureen O'hara-solo fits perfectly" then after what she said I just hugged her and said "this family is going to be perfect I know it"

Small chapter, longer chapter tomorrow

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