Chapter 18

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At the hospital

Hope's POV

I can't believe this, if I didn't say anything to Carli she wouldn't be in this mess... Kelley just hates right now and I still haven't called her to tell what happened because I knew she would kill me but I had to tell her... *dials Kelley's phone number*

K: hope? Did you find her?!

H: *starts crying holding the letter in her left hand* yes... But I found her almost dead in ally and she left us a letter... She's barley alive Kelley, I don't think she will survive. She's better of not hurting

K: I'm coming hope, just stay their ok? Everything will be ok I promise

Hope's POV
I was sitting in the chair in the waiting room just waiting for the Doctor to come out and say Carli didn't make it, in the state I found her in I just knew she wouldn't make it but something told me she could make it out so I was just praying that is what would happen

After about a hour Kelley showed up and she was trying to comfort me but it didn't work, my mind just couldn't stop thinking of what is happening to Carli, "is she even alive?" "Is she suffering to much that she should just pass?" Their was to much to think about with the state I was in, 30 minutes later the doctor came out and I couldn't read his face till he said "well I don't know how it happened but she made it, if you found her any later she would be dead" and then I asked "can we see her?" Then the doctor nodded his head and pointed "she's in room 238"

Me and Kelley walked together to Carli's room where she was awake and when she say we entered the room she just looked at me with this saddened look on her face and she was able to say "did you read the note?" And a confused  Kelley turned to me and said "what note is she talking about" and then I slipped my hand into my pocket and pulled out the note for her to read her self

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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