Love of My Life(A Princeton Love Story) Chapter 24

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(Brittany's POV)

Me: Okay so this is what happened... When we were racing, all of a sudden Ashley appeared.

Princeton: She found out we were here?

Me: Yea. Then she was talking about how you were her man, again. Then my horse got scared after she started to charge for me, and it bucked me off.*Sighs*

Princeton: Aww, I'm sorry...

Me: *Feels fingers* Oh my gosh... SHE TOOK MY RING!!!! THAT'S IT! I've HAD IT with her!

I was now FURIOUS, and everyone in the room could see it. But my girls know enough about me to know that when I get THIS frustrated, NO ONE should mess with me! But RAY RAY'S dumb ass just HAS to comment!

Ray Ray: You let her take your ring?

I snapped my head towards him so fast that you'd think I was looking at him the whole time!

Me: NO! I DIDN'T! And I don't APPRECIATE how you're the "BIG GUY" of it all, and decide to make such a STUPID comment! If you can't give a reasonable statement or question, keep your big yap SHUT!!!!

I stormed out, slamming the door so hard that Jazmyne had a reflex and kicked Roc in the shins.

Roc: Okay.... OWWWW!!!!

Jazmyne: Sorry, Roc!*She wasn't sorry*


I was SO infuriated! I didn't know WHAT to do! Surprisingly, they had knives in the hotel rooms so I decided to take one out and examine it... Yea, I DID plan to kill her... Then Princeton walked in.

Princeton: *Wide eyes* WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH!!! Brittany! WHAT are you doing?!

Me: What does it look like I'm doing? I'm about to go kill a hoe!

Princeton: Brittany... Put. The knife. DOWN.

Me; *Put it down and fold arms* What? You think she can just WIN so easily?! Well trust me hunny, it doesn't work like that!

Princeton: Brittany... I can buy you another one. It's not really that deep.

Me: Yes it is... Now let me go kill her!

Princeton: No Brittany. You're better than that.*Hugs her*

Me: *Hugs back* I'm goin to sleep...

Princeton: Good night!


So, I wake up still feeling a little mad. I just decided to go for a walk. That always makes me feel better. I went into the lobby and saw a newspaper with me and Khalil's photo on it and- WAIT!!! Me and KHALIL?!

Me: *Runs over to the stand to view the picture* WHAT?! A picture of us hugging, and yet it looks like we're about to kiss! Who's the one behind this photo?!

Fortunately, I know that at the back it has credits. But unfortunately, I saw a name I did NOT want to see... If you guessed Ashley, then you were DEFINITELY right!

Me: *Grits teeth* Ashley...

I walked back upstairs with the newspaper and slapped it on a table in my room. Princeton had JUST woken up.

Princeton: Hey babe! What's that?

Me: Oh trust me... You DON'T wanna know!

Princeton: *Gets up and looks at the newspaper* Brittany?

Me: What?

Princeton: Are you cheating on me with this... DISGRACE to music?!

Me: WHAT?! Why would you even come to think, that?!

Princeton:  Oh, I don't know... Maybe because you've been spending more time with HIM than ME!

Me: What does THAT have to do with anything?! Khalil and I are friends. He told me that he likes me, but he respects that you and I are dating! What's WRONG with you?!

Princeton: No Brittany. What's wrong with, YOU?! Dressing up for OTHER men?! WHAT THE HELL?!

Me: I dress in whatever I please to dress in, THANK you!

Princeton: Well you better get your act together, or this relationship is DONE!

Me: WHAT?! Over a PICTURE?! You know what... If that's how you wanna play, then fine! This whole, "US" thing is DONE! You hear me?! D-O-N-E! I bet you'll have more fun with ASHLEY! I hear she's a GREAT kisser, TOO!

Princeton: WHEN DID I SAY THAT?!

Me: That SAME NIGHT you kissed her! You think I ain't hear you when you were talkin to Ray Ray while we were in the airport that day?!

Princeton: *Silent*

Me: EXACTLY! Have a nice life...*Leaves the room*

(Princeton's POV)

Did she really just END this relationship? FINE! I don't need her, ANYWAYS! That's what Ashley's for... So I decided to dial her number and set up a date for later.

Ashley: Hello?

Me: Hey Ashley. It's Princeton!

Ashley: LOOK, if you're calling to tell me about your STUPID girlfr-

Me: She's not my girlfriend... We're through.

Ashley: *Evil smile* Oh great! What do you need, then?

Me: Let's have lunch together! Meet you later?

Ashley: SURE!

Me: Alright, bye!

We both hung up and before I knew it, I realized that I had a date with Ashley... Ya know, I always seemed to have thought that she was prettier than Brittany...

(Brittany's POV)

I can't take this anymore. I just wanna go home... I'm talking about Ashley, and look at me... I can't keep a boyfriend, EITHER! I decided to go to Shaylah and Prod's room since I knew that Jazmyne and Kristina would be sleeping in late. I knocked on the door.

Shaylah: *Opens the door and smiles* Hey Brittany! What's up?!

Me: *Walks in and sits on her bed* Princeton and I just broke up...

Shaylah: *Closes the door and walks toward her* Oh that's awful!

Me: *Shrugs* Yea, but it's whatever... He got mad over dumb stuff.

Shaylah: *Sits next to her* Well what'd he get mad about?

Me: He saw a picture of Khalil and I about to hug, when it looked like we were about to kiss.

Shaylah: Daaaannnggg... Well I'm sorry, boo!

Me: It's okay. He's free to do whatever the hell he wants, and I'm gonna do the same.

Shaylah: Well good for YOU, girl!

Prodigy: *Half sleep* Could y'all two, SHUT UP!?

Shaylah: *Rolls her eyes* Don't mind him... Anyways... You're over it, already?

Me: Well... I guess I am. But not really. He IS my first love. But then again, I've seen and felt worse.

Shaylah: What do you mean?

Me: *Sighs* I'll tell y'all the story, later...

Shaylah: *Shrugs* Okay. So you wanna go to the mall, or something?

Me: I guess... I just want these two weeks to go by fast.

Shaylah: Same here... Same here...

We both got ready and left to go to the mall. The one that we ended up going to was HUGE! I could not BELIEVE that they could build malls so freaking BIG! Shaylah and I entered where the food court was and you'll NEVER believe who we saw...

Oooo... Who'd Brittany see?! Was it Diggy? Khalil? TWIST?! Nah... I don't think it was Twist... But ANYWAYS! There's Chapter 24... Don't know when I'm writing Chapter 25 because I. Am. TIRED! NUFF SAID!!! 

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