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Six months after the events of Project Renegade: Genesis...

" The fate of the Earth is on the line! " Ryan shouted, his dreads slightly longer as they swished past his face.

" Tell us something we don't know! " Max watched a laser beam zip through the air, blasting through Ryan's chest, " RYAN! " 

" Ray, what's the status on the bomb?!" Dante asked frantically, sliding on the ground and grabbing Ryan's body, " Come on, stay with me. "

" Sixty seconds remaining! " Ray shouted, sweat dripping down his forehead as he held a spherical bomb in his hands.

" There's too many of them! " Karla yelled, being chased by a hoard of rabid beasts!

" Max gets out of the way- " Jennifer jumped behind her cousin, defending him from an energy blast. However, upon contact, the blast fried Jennifer making her wail in pain as her body incinerated.

As her ashes slowly fell to the ground, the team all gasped in complete shock. Too flustered to continue in her battle, Zoe felt the talons of a flying beast sink into her shoulders. She was crying out for her fallen sister, taken into the sky, the creature screeching horrifically. Ray heard Zoe's cries of terror through his communication device and cringed; he thought to himself about who they have lost. Michelle, Amy, Jennifer, and now Zoe was gone. His tears fell onto the bomb, making the numbers on the countdown harder to see. Then, as if it couldn't get any worse, Nichole started groaning in pain as she was stabbed in the back by the tail of another monster.

" Guys... something is.....happening... " Nichole groaned, feeling a wave of nausea hit her.

" Hang in there! " Dante flew in the sky, holding Ryan's bloody body in his arms as he rushed to Nichole's aid.

" Guys- " Nichole cried, falling to her knees.

As if straight from a horror movie, Dante witnessed Nichole turn into dust! Ryan groaned in his arms, his chest bleeding out rapidly. Max cried out in shock seeing his teammate taken out in such a way. Distracted, a massive hoard of monsters overwhelmed him. They were trampling him beneath their feet as they began to tear into his body and through his skin. With just Dante and Ryan left on the battlefield, Dante decided to retreat to where Ray and Karla were hiding. However, it was no use. A flash of light burst into the sky, covering the two boys before completely turning them into nothingness! They cried out with a spine-chilling yell before they were both killed. 

With his comrades defeated, Ray slammed his fists on the concrete beneath him. Karla stood behind him, using her body to block the door from the incoming raging demons. The timer on the bomb rapidly reached closer and closer to its end as Ray slowly rest the weapon on the ground in front of him, a defeated look on his face. 

" It's all over." Ray watched the countdown end, " I'm so sorry, everyone."

With a loud boom, flames zipped past Ray's face and covered the room in a blinding light. The light burst out of the building and into the sky, high into the atmosphere. It included the Earth, the blue, and the planet's green quickly turning into a dark crimson red. The ground shook as the people of Earth panicked, running around in the flaming streets. The Earth continued to change its color before it glowed a bright ruby red, and in seconds, it exploded.


In anger, everyone threw their headsets.

The teens all sat in different corners of the Vertex's new giant game room. The walls are painted blue and orange, representing the team colors on the walls, framed pictures of the team's adventures after the events of Origin. Six months have passed since then, and with a lot of hard work and long nights, the city was able to recover, and everything was back to normal. Well, as regular as it can get with new teenage superheroes running around. Ray stared at the headset, laughing nervously as his teammates cussed at him for making them fail the simulation.

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