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Above the streets of Sky City... 10 a.m.


" AND THERE IT IS! " Thomas shouted, riding on a hoverboard, high in the air.

" Alright, suit up. " Zach pressed a button on his watch.

A white light covered the sky, making the two barely visible. Phoenix wore an all-white bodysuit with white gloves and boots. Purple patterns ran down the side of his clothes, his shoes having purple highlights at the bottom. His eyes covered in a white mask, showing his neon purple eyes. Atlas flew out in a dark blue open trench coat, remaining on his hoverboard. His hands shoved in the pockets of his dark brown pants. He wore a white shirt, black hightop boots, and a white scarf covered his mouth. He used one hand to pull down dark blue goggles from off of his forehead to cover his eyes, while he used the other side to pull a small capsule out of his pocket.

He clenched it in his fist, making it glow and transform into his giant blue mechanical scythe. The two zoomed through the air, approaching a giant airship that looked similar to the Vertex. Atlas saw a barrage of rockets fire out of the plane and bolt towards them with a squint. Atlas easily cut through most of the missiles with his scythe, loud explosions happening right beside him. 


Phoenix's eyes glowed violet as lasers shot out of them, destroying some of the oncoming weapons. Atlas got cocky, jumping off of his hoverboard and slashing some more missiles. He fell below the clouds, covered in a pocket of smoke. On the top of the vessel, large canons aimed at the two as they landed. Atlas kicked his hoverboard, making it transform into a small circle. It flew up from the ground and attached it to his belt. The cannons shot out large, two massive black pods. The pods opened slowly, a cloud of fog escaping from inside. As the mist cleared, two giant robots stepped out. The robots began to spray bullets at the adults; Phoenix just stood there and tanked them as Atlas dashed forward.

He slid on the ground, sliding under one of them. Quickly, he sliced its legs off, making it topple over. Phoenix followed up, slamming its torso into the ship! The other robot kept shooting after them as Atlas did a front flip into the air. As he spun, he flung his scythe, making it crash and dig into its face. Finishing the combo, Phoenix zipped in the air and grabbed the scythe's handle. As he grabbed it, he shot forward, ripping through the top half of its body!

" Well, that was fun. " Atlas caught his scythe. 

" It's not done yet. " Phoenix told him, looking at a silhouette, wearing a coat in the distance.

" It's never done. "  

With lightning speed, it zoomed up at them and cracked Phoenix across the jaw! Phoenix tumbled back as Atlas ran in and swung for its face. Surrounding its body in a crimson red aura, it blasted Atlas off into the distance. He used his scythe to dig into the floor and slow down as Phoenix flew past him. Phoenix moved his hands forward, shooting purple blasts at the figure, covering the area in smoke. Continuing the assault, Atlas jumped in the air spinning around rapidly, knocking the character backward. He flicked a switch on his scythe, the gears inside starting turning as it glowed light blue. Phoenix shrouded his body in a dark purple and rushed after the figure.


Phoenix struggled to push his hand forward as Atlas groaned, trying to move his scythe. The figure was covered in a red energy ball, blocking both of their attacks! The ball exploded, blasting the two backward. Phoenix grabbed Atlas' arm in mid-air, swinging him back at the figure. The figure's eyes glowed red stopping Atlas in MIDAIR! Atlas' body was enveloped in a crimson aura, making it hard enough even to lift an arm. Phoenix flew into the air and put his wrists together. With a commanding shout, he shot a massive energy wave after their enemy. Confidently, the figure raised its hand and stopped the blast, covering it in its crimson aura. It clenched its fist and pulled Phoenix's blast towards itself before shooting it back after him.

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