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The next day... at 11:30 a.m.

Dante and Max sat inside of a coffee shop, both looking extremely bored. Finally, the barista came over to them, a welcoming smile on her face. She wore a dark beanie, covering her hair, and her eyes seemed almost void of life. She placed down the boys' order, two vanilla chai lattes. Dante took a sip, the hot liquid burning his lip as soon as it left the cup. He pulled his head back, wincing in pain. The barista placed their bill down on the table, walking away with the sway of her hips. Dante rubbed his lip and watched her leave the store. A black vein ran down her forearm. The vein throbbed, making his stomach uneasy. To prevent any further disgust, he turned his head back to Max.

" Aye, man, thanks for coming still. " Max grumbled, sipping his beverage, " I haven't seen Ryan all morning. "

" Weird; usually, it's the three of us who come here every Sunday. " Dante whispered, " Hey doesn't that barista look familiar to you? "

" Yup, I just can't put my finger on it. " Max laughed, " Ryan would've probably remembered. "

"Hmm, interesting. " Dante sipped his drink. 

They started to discuss the situations with the Scorbi. Both opposed the idea of them not being able to be superheroes. Changing the topic, Dante began to speak about his most recent date with Karla. Max was smirked and spoke about his last outing with Ashley. The two laughed, continuing to talk about their girls and how they can be extremely complicated at times. Outside, a pillar of smoke emerged from a maintenance hole, blinding the drivers on the road.


The ground shook. The two boys felt their drinks swish in the cups. Dante's latte spilled onto his hand, burning him. A loud explosion came from the middle of the street, sending the nearby civilians into a panic. Inside the smoke, a group of villains stood in their costumes, ready for a nasty plot. A man stood in the center, his eyes pitch black. His bright yellow hair spiked up, his arms replaced with giant, jet-black metal substitutes. He was shirtless, but he wore large, baggy, camouflage pants with spiked boots. To his left, a woman let out psychotic laughter. Her long purple hair flowed in the wind. Her eyes also pitch black. She wore a jet-black leotard, her arms and legs both covered in dark black veins. Dante and Max ran outside, seeing the two stand there menacingly.

" I thought Frontline and MIrage were supposed to be in jail. But, Max, we have to act now. " Dante mumbled.

" But Sapphire said--"

" But Sapphire said- we gotta stop them, or things can get worse. " Dante ran into an alley, " Gosh, I sound like Ryan. "

Max sighed and unwillingly followed his partner. In a few moments, the two jumped out in their costumes. Frontline pounded his fists into the road, launching cars high in the air! A news helicopter entered the scene. The cameraman tried his hardest to keep his camera steady. A car flew after them! Coming to their rescue, Magnitude leaped into the air and caught the vehicle. With a powerful stomp, he landed on the ground, still holding the car in his hands. Meanwhile, Whirlwind zoomed into the fray. He flew past Mirage, making brief eye contact with her. " So that's why you looked familiar. " He thought, remembering the barista from earlier. He landed in front of them, his fists both clenched tightly.

" So that's what you do? Serve people coffee one day, then blow up the streets later? You need to get your priorities in check, lady. You got to choose between one of the two. " Whirlwind taunted as Mirage laughed, " Okay, I'll add one more option. You let me knock you out, and you go to jail, so this can all be over. "

" Try me! " She cried out as Whirlwind dashed behind her, " Wait, I'm not ready! "

" In any other context, I would've been concerned. " Whirlwind laughed as he knocked her into the air.

Project Renegade : Invasion (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now