Chapter two

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As we just sat in a field, drinking monster and watching the sun rise, I kept thinking of how I was gonna tell Sam.

"I'm gonna pee." Sam said as he stood up. "Nice to know." I said with a laugh as he walked towards a few trees. Colby looked at me.

"You need to tell him." he said. I groaned. "I know!" I said. "Sam isn't like the kind of guy to just walk away. He likes you back, it's obvious." he said. "Did he tell you?" I asked quietly, making sure Sam didn't hear me. He looked down and shook his head. I stood up. "EXACTLY!" I yelled. I sighed and chugged the last bit of monster before crushing the can in my hand.

"What did that can ever do to you?" Sam asked, sitting on the ground. I laughed a little and tree the can. "Nothing." I said with a sigh, sitting back down.

"So... Who's up for some public disturbance?" Colby asked randomly. I looked at him and smirked.


We went to the mall, thinking about what to do, when I thought of something. "You could put a couch on an escalator and climb in it and act like you're sleeping!" I said randomly. Sam and Colby looked at me then smiled. "Yes!" Colby said. And they did exactly that. They made me record, and almost right after it, we had to run from security.

When I got home, it was around 11 at night, and I walked in the living room, seeing my parents sitting there, arms crossed and ready to lecture. I sighed and walked past them. "I know. Grounded for life." I said as I walked up the stairs. When I got to my room, I changed into shorts and a tank top and got in my bed. I barely slept because I kept thinking about how I was gonna tell Sam.


"We'll visit, I promise." Colby said as he hugged me. I let out a small sob into his shoulder and hugged him tighter. "Ugh! Why am I crying!?" I said. Colby laughed softly. "You're gonna tell him, right?" Colby whispered in my ear. I nodded and pulled away. "I'll be in the car." Colby said before he walked over to the driver side of their car. I turned to Sam and gave him a small smile. "Bring it in." he said opening his arms. I let out a small laugh and wrapped my arms around his torso. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. THAT'S NOT MAKING THIS EASIER SAM!

"I'm gonna miss you." he said in my ear. I nodded and hugged him tighter. "Sam," I started. He hummed in response and I bit my lip. "Promise me you'll remember me when you get famous." wow. I didn't even mean to chicken out. It just happened. "I won't. How could I forget my favorite red head?" and wiped the tears from my cheeks. "If you need me or Colby, we're just a phone call away." he said softly. I looked down and nodded. "I guess this is goodbye." he said. I looked up at the sky to keep my tears from falling even more. I know what you're thinking. Why am I crying so much? For one: I've been best friends with these idiots since 5th grade. Two: I have a huge crush on Sam. Three: I could possibly never see them again. Four: they're all I have. And five: this is my last chance to tell Sam I like him and if I chicken out... I'm fucked. Now here comes the heard part.

"Wait, Sam, I need to tell you something really important," I started. He looked at me and nodded, for me to go on. I bit my lip. I have to word this carefully. "Um... I really like you Sam." I said quietly. I looked up and seen the shock in his eyes. He just stood there. I bit my lip again, waiting for him to say something. He didn't. He just got in the car, and drove off. That's it.

I knew it! I knew he didn't like me! I knew he would leave! I'm not worth someone like him.

I ran inside and to my room and locked the door. I put my back to it and slid down it and pulled my knees to my chest. I cried like I've never cried before.

My sadness soon turned into hate and I stood up. I broke... A lot of things. Lamps, pictures, my TV, Xbox, mirror, window. I broke pretty much everything breakable. My parent will be pissed at me, but I'm about to turn 18 so they don't have much control over what I do anymore. So fuck it.


Short chapter! I know! They will get longer, I promise. I'm not gonna bore you with anymore, soooooo bye!

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