Chapter four

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AN: I don't really want to put authors notes on this story because the whole point is to leave it on cliffhangers, sooo I'll only say something of its really important. But that's it, I'll let you read, bye children!

"What happened? Are you okay?" Colby asked as he sat next to me. I nodded and took a deep breath.

"You didn't tell me he had a girlfriend." I said, closing my eyes, trying my best not to cry. "I didn't think she would be here. I'm sorry." Colby said softly.

"I knew this was a bad idea. I can't even fucking look at him without almost braking down in tears." my voice cracked more than I wanted it to. Colby put an arm around me and pulled me close. I heard footsteps coming towards us and seen Sam. I looked down and bit my lip, trying to focus on not crying.

"Hey Jessie. I never thought I'd see you again." Exactly. "What's wrong?" Sam asked, as if nothing ever happened.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just... Got light headed. I needed to sit for a second." I lied. Colby looked at me but he understood. "Oh, I'm sorry. So, what are you doing here? I thought you still lived in Kansas." he said nonchalantly. What am I doing here? AM I NOT ALLOWED TO BE IN CALIFORNIA OR SOMETHING?! Of course I didn't at that. I looked up at him. Think. Think. Think.

"I came to visit Colby. We're dating." I said our of instinct. Really Jessie? Out of all things I could have said!

Colby looked at me. "Oh. Colby never told me. Uh, I gotta get back to Jessica. See ya." Sam said before he walked away.

So that's her name. She even has a better name than me! At least she doesn't have a guy name.

I took a deep breath once he was gone and looked at Colby. "That was out of instinct Colby, I'm so sorry." I said, looking around. He shrugged. "Its fine. If I were you I would do the same. But," he started. I looked at him and he seemed to be looking for words. "Um, Jessie, can I tell you something? Like, really personal?" he said. I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Um... Wow, you were right. This really is hard. Um, so, I like you." He said. I sat up and looked at him. "What?" he likes me? I don't like him like that. Oh... Oh... Is this why Sam ran?

"I like you. But you don't have to like me back. I know you don't. So that's why I'm gonna help you with Sam. I have a plan." he said. I nodded, paying attention. He explained to me his plan and I bit my lip.

"I don't know if this is gonna work..." I said. He nodded. "I know Sam. This will work." he said. I shrugged. "Fine! But I'm really tired from that flight. I need sleep or I'm gonna die." I said with a groan.

He laughed and stood up. He held out a hand for me to take, which I did. "Okay, if this is gonna work, I need you to at least act like you like me. Okay?" he asked. I nodded. "Okay, you can sleep in my bed. Hold my hand and smile. Got it?" he said. I nodded again.

This shouldn't be too hard. Colby's not unattractive, so this should be really easy. I grabbed Colby's hand and let him lead me back to their apartment. We walked in and I smiled and looked at Colby with loving eyes and I bit my lip as he lead me to his and Sam's room. There were 2 twin beds on opposite sides of the room. That's really it.

"That one." Colby said, pointing to one in a corner. He shut the door and I looked at him. "Thank you so much for... Being the best friend ever." I said. He shrugged. "That's what I do." he said with a smile. I laughed and walked to the bed. "Don't bug me unless you have food." I said, getting comfortable. He laughed.

"Okay. Just throwing this out there, if we want this to work, we are gonna have to kiss sometimes." he said awkwardly. I seen a faint shade of red in his cheeks. I smirked. "Awe! Are you blushing!?" I asked. He laughed and covered his cheeks with his hands. "Psh! No!" he said.

"You totally are!" I said, throwing a pillow at him. I laughed. "I'm not!" he said, throwing the pillow back at me, hitting me in the face.

"Wow, thanks." I laughed, fixing my hair.

"But anyway, it's just a kiss. And I'd rather kiss you than some other loser. So it's not a complete loss. I just hope this won't make things awkward."  I said, still fixing my hair. He shrugged. "Yeah." he said.

I could tell he was scared to ask, so I beat him to it.

"If you wanna kiss me you can just ask." I said. He laughed and looked down. "So you can dress in banana suits and run around a grocery store being chased by a gorilla, put a couch on an escalator, follow fat people with a trombone, and grab random girls hands in the mall, but you can't ask me for a kiss? Quit being shy and come here!" I laughed.

He smiled slightly and walked to me. When he got right by me, I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to my level. I gave him a short but sweet kiss on the lips then pulled away.

"See? Was that so hard?" I asked. He shrugged. "I've been waiting since like... 8th grade to do that." he said. I laughed and pushed him away. "Whatever. Just let me sleep." I said. He laughed and walked out of the room.

I curled up in a ball and fell asleep pretty quickly. I know the Colby thing sounds bad, and I'm probably playing with his emotions like this, but it was his idea. You know, you can't help who your crush is. Mine happens to be Sam, and Colby's happens to be me. But I hope Colby doesn't expect anything other than a kiss... 

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