Chapter ten

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~1 week later ~

Well, it's a week later. Colby still won't talk to me. But we're getting somewhere, he grabbed my phone for me when I asked him the other day. That's a start right?

Anyways, my tattoo is healed all the way!

Basically the only thing that has happened in the past week was the guys filming, me and Sam went on a date, but it wasn't like big and fancy, he just took me to go see the stars then we went to In-N-Out. It was pretty cute. We went to the beach. Colby came too, but again, he didn't talk to me. Just to Sam. Almost like I don't exist. That's really all that happened.

"Guys! Wake up! Brennen is here!" my eyes fluttered open and I looked around to see Colby standing at the end of the bed. I looked at Sam who was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Why is he here so early?" Sam asked, not moving at all. "He's not here early, you guys slept late." Colby said before he walked out of the room. I groaned, wrapping my arms around Sam's torso and cuddling up to him.

"Don't get up. You're so warm and the outside world is so cold. Like my soul." I said, closing my eyes again. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

"I don't want to but I have to. Do you know how late we were up last night?" he asked. I shook my head.

"I was too tired to remember anything. All I remember is beating your ass at poker at like... 5 in the morning." I said. He laughed and kissed my head. "I do have to get up though." he said. "But I'm tired." I said.

"You can stay here, we'll be quiet. Or, try." he said, trying to get up. I groaned and let him go. He got up and threw on a shirt. "Wait," I said before he was about to walk out. "Kiss me ya asshole." He laughed and came towards me. "You sure you don't wanna watch us film?" he asked. I nodded. "I would but I need sleep." I said. He smiled one last time then kissed me. When he walked out, I almost instantly fell asleep.


When I woke up, it was only about an hour later, but it didn't feel like it, trust me.

I got up from the bed, changed into a pair of black sweat pants I stole from Sam, and a tank top. I threw my hair into a messy bun and walked out to the living room, which is where I found Sam and Colby sitting with some guy with brown hair up in a quiff, and hazel eyes.

"Sorry!" I said, not realizing they were filming. "It's fine, I'm Brennen by the way." the guy said. I gave him a small smile and waved. "I'm Jessie." I said.

"Kay, you two met, can we get back to filming now?" Colby said. We all turned to him. Don't be a dick Colby.

"Don't be a dick Colby." Brennen said. Wow, talk about knowing what I was gonna say. I rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom. You don't gotta be a fucking asshole Colby.

I looked in the mirror and thought for a second. I need to get out of this house. I need some friends. Female friends.

I sighed, did my business and walked back out. The guys were done filming, so I walked to the bedroom without saying anything and shut the door.

I changed into an Asking Alexandria shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans, a black beanie and a red and black flannel wrapped around my waist.

I sat in front of the mirror and started doing my make up. The door opened, scaring me, making me mess up my eyeliner. I looked at the door and seen Brennen walk in. "Wow, thanks." I said, sarcastically, trying to wipe the extra eyeliner off my eye.

"Sorry, Sam wanted me to ask you if you wanted to go get pizza with us." he said. I shrugged, continuing with my make up. "I don't know, I kinda want to explore California today." I said. "Gotcha." he said before he walked out. I finished my make up and put everything away. I stood up and brushed my hair out. I teased my fringe a little because, why the fuck not? I grabbed my wallet my phone and put them in my pocket and walked out.

"Imma go explore." I said before I walked out the door. When I got out side, I walked for a few blocks when I seen a penny board shop. Oh hell yes. I walked in and looked at all the boards. One caught my eye and I knew I had to buy it. It was white with black wheels in it. I grabbed it, payed for it and walked out. Ghost. That's what I'm gonna name it. Don't judge me. I can name a penny board if I want to.

When I started riding it, it was like my first penny board. It rode pretty softly. I rode around for a few hours, just admiring how beautiful LA was. Then I got kinda thirsty. I stopped at a near by Starbucks and stood in line for a minute. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see a girl with bright red hair standing there. It was cut into a fringe and she had snake bites.

"Hi, um, are you the girl that hangs out with Sam and Colby?" she asked. I smiled and nodded. "Woah, okay, I was gonna ask if I could get a picture with you." she said. I shrugged. "Sure." I said with a smile. She got out her phone and took a picture.

"My name's Alex." she said. "Well, you know who I am, so I don't really need to introduce myself do I?" I said. She laughed slightly and shook her head. "I like your penny board." she said, pointing to my board in my hand. "Thanks. I literally just got it." I said. "Next!" the girl at the cash register said. I just got a water and turned back to Alex. Maybe I could actually have a friend. "What are you doing for the next... Let's say... 3 hours?" I asked. She shrugged. "Nothing." she said. I smirked.

"Wanna take an adventure with me? Then... Possibly meet Sam and Colby?" I asked. Her eyes lit up. "Duh!" she said. I laughed and we walked out. We walked around for a while. We went to the Hollywood sign, a random mall just because we needed more band merch, we also went to the beach, just to walk around, and the last place we went was some comic shop. Because we're nerds. I got a few Batman comics, a few Spider-Man comics and some Deadpool. What? They're my favorite super hero's. But let's just say, we learned a lot about each other, and she's really awesome. We are literally the same person, but in different body's.

"Hey, you wanna go see Sam and Colby now? It's getting kinda late anyways." I said as we walked down the road. "Of course! You know how obsessed I am with them?" she said. I laughed a little. "How obsessed are you? Like, my Alan Ashby obsession? Or like... My Tony Perry obsession?" I asked, referring back to how she complemented my wallpaper. My lock screen was Alan Ashby and my wallpaper was Tony Perry.

"Tony Perry." she said, getting her phone out of her pocket. "There's no way it's that bad." I said before she turned her phone on, reveling a picture of Sam and Colby as her lock screen. Then she unlocked it and her wallpaper was also Sam and Colby. "That's not even close..." she said. She tapped a few times and turned the phone to me. It was her picture gallery. There were 3 files that stuck out to me. 1 was of Colby, and had up to 245 pictures in it. The second was Sam, and it had 233 pictures in it, and the last one was of both of them and had 598 in it.

"Okay, maybe it is like my obsession with Tony." I said. She laughed. "Yeah, I'm a little obsessed." she said. I laughed. "A little?" I asked. "Okay, A lot." she said. We laughed and started on our way back to the apartment. This is a start of a beautiful friendship.

Hehehe, the next few chapters are DEFIANTLY gonna mess with your feels.

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