Chapter twelve

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Two weeks later

Okay, this has probably been the best 2 weeks of my life. Me, Sam, Colby and Alex have basically hung out non stop. But Me and Sam have had our... Private moments...

But I think Alex and Colby are hitting it off well. They hang out together when me and Sam are... Alone...

But the only big thing that happens was that Sam took me to Warped Tour for one of our dates and I got to meet my idol, Tony Perry, and a few other awesome people like Kellin Quinn, Kevin Ghost, Ronnie Radke, Ashley Purdy, Ashley Costello and Lynn Gunn.  But other than that, nothing really happened.

"Hey guys, Brennen is having a party at his house and he wanted to see if we wanted to go." Colby said, walking in the apartment and sitting down. "Sure, when?" I asked. "In like... An hour." he said, looking at his phone. "WOW, THANKS FOR THE NOTICE!" I yelled, standing up and running to the room.

Being a girl, I have to have at least a 3 hours notice of we're going to a party. I need to figure out what to wear, put on make up that matches, find a pair of shoes, do my hair and find someone to drive me home after I get wasted.

I looked through my suitcase and settled on a tight, black, strapless, thigh high dress and a pair of black Vans. Its funny how you think I'm gonna wear heels.

"Hurry up! We need to get ready too!" Sam yelled through the door. "Come in! But don't interrupt me!" I yelled, sitting in front of the mirror with my make up bag. They walked in and looked at me.

"Woah..." Sam said, looking at me. "Shut up and get dressed." I said as I put on some foundation. They got dressed and when I was done with my make up (just a Smokey eye with a little lipstick) I curled my hair at the ends and I was pretty much ready.

I grabbed my phone and walked out to the living room where the guys were. Sam was standing up on his phone and Colby was eating something in the kitchen. Typical Colby.

"Okay, we can go now." I said. They looked at me and both of their eyes went wide and their jaws dropped. "Honey close your mouth, you'll catch flies." I said, putting a finger under Sam's chin and closing his mouth. I tried to walk away but he put his hands on my waist and pulled me towards him. He kissed me softly and I laughed. "No." I said laughing as I pulled away.

"Is Alex going?" Colby asked. I looked at him and laughed. "Awe. You wanna see her again don't you?" His face turned slightly red. "But no, she said she had to babysit her little brother." I said. And with that, we left.

When we got there, it was a pretty big house, there was a bunch of people there and you could practically hear the music from miles away. There were so many people there, we ended up having to park like... 3 blocks away.

But when we got inside, it was even louder and crazier. There were sweaty body's practically having sex, the smell of beer and weed filled the air and the music was blasting. I grabbed Sam's hand so we wouldn't get lost, and we just walked through the people. We eventually found a place and stayed there. We danced for a while, and at some point, I ended up grinding against Sam, so that's cool. But I got thirsty and decided to get a drink. I ended up taking 8 shots of tequila, drank half a bottle of Jack Daniels and stole someone's margarita. So basically 30 minutes later, I was waisted.

I wanted to dance, so I tried to find Sam, but I couldn't.

"Hey Nikki." someone said behind me. I turned around and seen Brennen. "Oh, hey Brennen." I slurred. I tried to walk but I almost fell. Brennen caught me and gave me a smile. "You okay there?" he asked. I nodded and smiled. "Maybe you should sit." he said. I nodded and he lead me to the kitchen. He helped me onto a counter and I seen a bottle of Jack Daniels. I tried to reach for it but Brennen pushed it away. "Maybe that's enough for you tonight." he said. He stood between my legs and put his hands on my thighs. "You look good tonight." he said, getting a little closer. I smiled and looked at him. 

"Really?" I asked. He looked me in the eyes and moved his thumbs in little circles on my thighs. "Yeah. You look good all the time." he said. I smiled and looked down. "What? You're beautiful." he said. I shook my head. "I'm really not." I said, still looking down. "Yes you are. You're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen." he said. I smiled and looked up at him. "I am?" I asked. He nodded and kissed me. Me and my drunk ass decided to kiss back. He deepened the kids a little more but I pulled away.

"Wait..." I said, my voice still slurred. I feel like I'm forgetting something.

"Not here..." I said. He smirked and kissed me again. He picked me up, making me wrap my legs around his torso and wrap my arms around his neck. He carried me to a room and closed the door. I feel like something bad is gonna happen... But I'm too drunk to care.

Brennen sat on the bed and I sat on his lap with my legs on both sides of him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him hard. His hands traveled to my ass and I smiled.

- Sam

I was walking down a long hallway, looking for Nikki. I don't want her to get too drunk. I opened doors, looking for her but most of them were taken up by people having sex. I opened the last door in this hallway and peeked in. I saw a couple sitting on the bed, making out. That blue hair looks familiar. So does that dress... And those beat up Vans...



We are now 3 chapters away from this story ending!! Well, 2 chapters and an epilogue, but still!! That's about it! Okay, bye!

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