Chapter eleven

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"I'm back blitches!" I yelled as I walked through the door with Alex behind me. She had the biggest smile on her face. "Hey." Sam said from the couch, not looking up from his phone. Colby was on his laptop and still won't talk to me, so that's great.

"Sam, Colby, get up I have someone for you to meet." I said, walking in front of them. They still didn't look up. I sighed and took Sam's phone out of his hand and took Colby's laptop out of his hand.

"Hey!" they said in sync. I pointed towards Alex who was just standing by the door. She waved slightly and smiled. "That's my friend, Alex. She's a big fan of you guys So... Go... Do things." I said. They stood up and walked to Alex. They each hugged her and she took a picture with both of them. "You can stay for a little of you want to." I said to Alex. "Really?" she asked. I nodded. "Okay." she said, obviously trying not to fan girl.

"Let us watch Netflix!" I yelled, running to the couch.  I jumped on it and everyone sat down too. Sam sat next to me, Alex was on the other side of me and Colby was on the other side of her. "What are we watching?" I asked. "Something scary." Alex said. "YES!" I yelled. We all decided on Insidious.

Around the middle of the movie, I started to get cold, so I curled up against Sam. He wrapped his arm around me and with his other hand he intertwined our fingers. I smiled and looked up at him. He gave me a small smile and kissed me. "Can you guys not? For 5 fucking minutes?" Colby said, standing up and walking out of the apartment. Alex looked at me with a confused expression. "I'll go talk to him." Sam said, standing up and walking out. I sighed and looked at Alex again. I don't know if I should tell her or not...

"If I tell you, can you promise to keep it to yourself?" I said. She nodded. I sighed and started to tell her everything. Well, not everything but a summed up version of it.

"So, Colby's mad at you because he came up with the idea for you guys to fake date to get Sam to like you?" she asked. I sighed and shook my head. "No, it went a little farther than I meant it to. We slept together. And I didn't know he was a virgin. So, put half and half together and you'll know why he's mad at me." I said. She bit her lip and thought for a second. After about 30 seconds, her eyes got wide and she looked at me.

"Oh shit..." she said. I nodded. "Yeah, so I feel like an asshole now." I said. "Well, maybe if you two talked it out, you could figure something out and bam. Problem solved."  she said. I shook my head. "Its not that simple. He won't even talk to me. And if he does, as you just seen, he's really rude." I said. She thought for a second. "Have Sam talk him into talking to you." she said. Okay, that's a good idea. We heard a bang and we looked at the door. "What was that?" Alex asked. I shrugged. Then there was yelling.

"Oh shit..." I said to myself. I jumped up and ran out the door. I seen Colby holding Sam against the wall and they were yelling at each other. "Colby!" I yelled. That did nothing.

Rage took over me and I pushed Colby off Sam with all of my strength. He slammed into the other wall and I walked towards him. "Snap out of it!" I yelled before I slapped him hard across the face. "You guys are best fucking friends! Stop!" I yelled. I looked between Sam and Colby. They were both against opposite walls, staring at each other. "So much For that plan..." Alex said. I kept looking between Sam and Colby, thinking what to do. After a few seconds, a thought popped in my head.

"I'm gonna leave..." I said quietly. Everyone looked at me. "What?" Sam and Colby said in sync. "You guys were perfectly fine before I came here. If I leave, you guys can go back to normal." I said a little louder. "Come on Jessie, think about this," Sam said. I shook my head.

"No, I'm leaving, you guys are gonna be friends again, and we'll never talk to each other again. It will be like we never even met." I said, my voice cracking in different spots. "No, jessie, we can work something out," Colby said. So he's actually talking now.

"Like what? All 3 of us can't even sit down and watch a fucking movie without arguing." I said. Sam and Colby looked at each other then back at me. "We talk." Sam said. I looked at Alex, who seemed to agree. "If we talk, and shit gets out of hand I'm leaving." I said. They nodded and we all went into the apartment again. We all sat down and I sighed.

"Okay, first of all, Colby, I am Sorry I fucked with your feelings. I did feel something for you... But I think it was just spur of the moment, ya know?" I said. Colby bit his lip and nodded. "Sam, sorry about that, I was just mad... About everything..." Colby said. "No problem." Sam said.

So, we all talked for about an hour. When things would get kinda heated, Alex would be the peacemaker. But in the end, we all got along and agreed that the past week just never happened. It was pretty late when we all stopped talking, so Alex agreed to just stay the night.

The next day

I woke up the next morning cuddled up to someone. Sam. We were on the couch, Alex was asleep on the floor and Colby crashed in the chair. I sat up a little and looked at Sam. He was still asleep. A random thought popped in my head and I got up slowly, trying to not wake him up.

I went to the kitchen and got 2 pans. I did a quiet evil laugh and walked back out to the living room. I looked around so see if everyone was still asleep. They were. I smirked right before I started banging the pans together.

"I AIN'T GET NO FUCKIN SLEEP CAUSE OF Y'ALL! Y'ALL NOT GONNA GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF ME!" I yelled. All of them snapped awake and glared at me. I started laughing, then I couldn't stop.

"Really?" Alex asked, curling up in a ball. "I.... I can't... AHHH.... I CAN'T BREATHE!" I yelled in between laughs. "Haha, very funny." Colby said tiredly. I managed to stop laughing and sat down next to Sam. "So, what are we doing today?" I asked. "Beach?" Alex asked. "Hell yes!"


Woah, 2 chapters in one night!? I'm proud of myself. But since I didn't update yesterday, I thought I would update twice for all of y'all. But that's it, so goodbye children.

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