Chapter nine

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Me and Sam were sitting in the living room, watching TV, when the door opened. We turned towards it and seen Colby completely ignore us, and go into the bedroom.

"I told you he's never gonna talk to me again." I said, burring my head in his shoulder. "He'll get over it." he said, wrapping his arms around me. I sighed and looked up at him. "You don't know what he said to me..." I said softly. "What did he say?" he asked, protectively. I shook my head. "Nothing bad... Just... Surprising..." I said. "I have something we can do to get your mind off it." he said with a small smirk. I raised an eyebrow. He didn't say anything, he just stood up and grabbed my hands, pulling me up. "Sam, I'm not going anywhere in this!" I said looking down at my black joggers (that I stole from Sam) and a grey shirt that said "create the past" (also stolen from Sam). "You look fine!" he said as he started to drag me out of the apartment.

"But I'm makeup less!" He didn't say anything, just kept going. "Sam, I don't even have shoes on!" I said with a laugh. He laughed and stopped. "Okay, fine." he said right before he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"NO! WE ARE NOT DOING THIS AGAIN!" I yelled. He laughed and just

kept walking. When we entered the elevator, I looked around and seen 3 other people looking at us. They were looking at us weird, but I don't care. "Hi." I waved and smiled.

"Sam, you can put me down now." I said. He laughed and put me down. "Asshole." I said, punching his arm. He said nothing, just grabbed my hand and laced our fingers. When the elevator got to where we were going, we got out and started walking. We got to his car and got in.

"You seriously wouldn't even let me get shoes on?" I asked, putting on my seatbelt. "You'll deal." he said as he started the car. I sighed and looked around the car. I seen a pair of worn out black Vans in the back seat and smiled.

"Let's see if we wear the same size." I said, taking off my seatbelt once again and reaching in the back seat. I grabbed the Vans and sat regular again. Wait, these seem familiar. I gasped loudly when it came to me.

"You kept them!?" I almost yelled. I remember, one day all of us went swimming at some lake, but it was illegal, and we got chased by the cops, and my shoes got soaked, so I threw them in the back seat of Sam's car.

"Yeah, I had to have something to remember you." he said. I smiled and reached over and kissed his cheek. He smiled and kept driving. "I wonder if they still fit." I said before I slipped them on almost perfectly. "Wow, it's amazing that just a pair of shoes can bring back so many memories." I said. I used to wear these all the time.

"Where are we going?" I asked. He just looked at me, smirked, then turned back to the road. "You know how you always wanted a tattoo?" he said. I turned to him and smiled. "No way." I said. He nodded. "NO WAY!" I yelled. He laughed and nodded again.

"Ugh! I would so attack your face right now if you weren't driving." I said. He laughed and kept driving. "I have a surprise for you after that too." he said. I raised my eyebrow. "What is it?" I asked. "Do you know the definition of surprise?" he said. I laughed and looked out of the window. After about, 5 minutes, I felt his hand grab mine and lace our fingers. I smiled and stared at our hands

We pulled up to the tattoo shop and I had the biggest smile on my face. "You know I love you right?" I asked as we got out. "Yeah." he said, walking to me and grabbing my hand again. We walked in and I realized it was High Voltage Tattoo.

"Holy shit Sam this is Kat Von D's shop!" I said looking at him. He smirked. "I know." he said. "Do you know how much I love her work!?" I asked. He nodded and opened the door for me. We walked up to the counter and almost on que, Kat Von D walked towards us.

"Hey, how can I help you kids out today?" she asked. I was frozen. She's my idol. "Uh, she's getting a tattoo, but she's a little shy. She's a big fan." Sam said for me. She looked at me and smiled. "Oh, well if you're that big of a fan, I guess I'll do your tattoo myself." she said.

"Really?" I managed to squeak out. She laughed lightly and nodded. "So what are you trying to get today?" she asked. I bit my lip. I've always wanted a wolf. For one specific reason though.

"A wolf." I said. I explained how I wanted it and where I wanted it. I wanted it on my thigh. She drew a sketch of it and I okayed it.

I sat in a chair and Sam sat on a stool next to me while Kat went to work. "So, why a wolf?" she asked, not looking up from working on it.

"Uh, my parents have always been really strict. I've never really had the freedom to do what I wanted, so I would always sneak out and stuff. And I was like "hey, wolves are free, I wanna be a wolf." and now that I'm 18, I can do what I want. I can go out and drive around at 3 in the morning if I wanted to. I could go out and party until I was numb. I can do whatever I want now, ya know?" I said. She nodded.

"That's a really good way to look at things. You got yourself a keeper here, boy." she said to Sam. I laughed and he grabbed my hand. "I know." he said before he kissed my cheek, making me blush. He was showing that I'm his. And I am.


Hey! Wow, this has been a rollercoaster of emotions! Anyways, sorry for the short chapters!

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