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3 years later

We were all sitting in the living room of mine and Sam's house and we were watching TV. I was cuddled up against Sam, and Alex and Colby were cuddled up together and it was just... Perfect. I wondered how I was gonna tell Sam the news but I came to a blank. You know what? Screw it. I'm just gonna say it.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out of random. Everyone looked at me. "Um... What?" Sam said. I looked at him and nodded. "I'm pregnant." I said a little louder. Alex jumped up and put her hands over her mouth. "REALLY!?" she yelled. I nodded. She squealed and started jumping up and down.

"Wait..." Sam stood up. "You're...?" he asked. I nodded. "Like, you're really...?" I smiled and nodded again. He smiled widely and pulled me up and into his lips.

"You mean there's gonna be a little Sam running around!?" Colby asked as he stood up. I nodded. "Congrats. I never thought ether of you would be mature enough to do it." Colby said. I laughed and punched his arm. "Haha. Very funny." I said sarcastically. "I'm gonna be a dad. Holy shit." Sam said. I laughed and planted a small kiss on his lips. "You'll do great."

6 months later

"Nikki! Can you come help me with something!?" Sam yelled from downstairs. I was looking at the nursery. We found out we were having a girl, but we didn't paint it pink, oh no, we painted it black. Our daughter is not gonna be a basic white girl. We already planed it out, we're gonna raise her on metal. Because I am that type of mother.

"Yeah, coming!" I yelled at I walked down the stairs. I turned the corner in the living room and gasped at what I saw. Everyone I knew was there. My parents, Colby, Alex, Devin, Reed, Kian (he basically was my guy best friend other than Colby) even Brennen was there. We all made up by the way. And right in the middle of it all... Was Sam... On one knee... Holding a small velvet box. My hands flew to my open mouth and I felt tears of joy fall down my cheeks.

Holy shit.

"Jessie Elizabeth Sykes, we've been best friends for nearly 15 years, we've been dating for 3, and I've been in love with you for every second of it. And many years to come, so just to insure that we will be together forever, will you marry me?" he said. I took nothing but a second. I knew the answer, I just had to think of how to talk again.

"It's about damn time!" I yelled. Everyone laughed and Sam put the ring on my finger. We kissed and everyone cheered. "Forever." Sam said. I nodded and kissed him again.


Goodbye my loves! See ya next time.

Torn. (Sam Golbach) [Completed] {EDITING} Where stories live. Discover now