Chapter three

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AN: I know that's an old picture, but look how cute Sam is!! Sorry, continue reading...

~ 1 year later ~

I woke up to my phone blasting Like That by Jack & Jack, signalling someone's calling me. I grabbed the phone and answered it without checking caller ID.

"What?" I groggy answered.

"Well, hello to you too." the voice was so familiar.

"COLBY!?" I yelled into the phone and sat up.

"Duh! How long has it been? 5 months?"

"Yeah. Um, I've been busy with trying to get a roommate." I said, looking around my still bare room. I moved out of my parents house almost as soon as I turned 18, but I still have absolutely nothing for my apartment.

"Well, good luck with that. But for now, I need you to pack a month worth of stuff before Friday."


"Because I'm flying you out to Cali. Duh."



"I finally get to see you! Yay! Oh, and I changed my hair color."

"What!? But you're not you without your signature red hair!"

"I know, I know. But I like blue more."

"Ah! I loved your red hair! It was so..... Red!"

"Shut up. So... Um... How's Sam?" that was the first time I've even mentioned his name since that day.

"Oh. Um, he's good. We've been filming a lot and stuff." he's good.

"That's great!" I tried to sound cheerful, but it just came out sarcastic. "Listen, I don't think me going to Cali is a good idea."

"I know what he did was a dick move, but please? You can ignore him, but you can't ignore him the whole time you're here. Come one, pleeeease?"

"... Fine. But please keep him away from me."

"Okay, as long as you're coming."

I sighed into the phone.

"Come on, please?"

"Okay, fine!"


When I walked out the gate of the airport, I heard someone call my name. I turned around and seen Colby far away, waving like an idiot.

I smiled and ran to him as fast as I could. I jumped, yes jumped, on him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his torso.

"COLBY!" I yelled in his ear. "Its nice to see you too!" He laughed and sat me on my feet. "Wow, you look really different." he said. I shrugged. I changed, pretty much every thing about me. My hair was down to my ribcage now, it was bright blue, but it was still cut into a fringe. I didn't wear color anymore. At all.

But my music taste stayed the same. I like everything. Still.

Right now I was wearing some dark grey sweat pants, my hair was up in a messy bun, I was wearing an black tank top and a pair of old worn out vans. I had to get up pretty early for this flight, so I didn't even try. We went to get my bags and went to Colby's car. We put my bags in the trunk and we got in.

"Ugh! The check engine light is on again!" Colby said as he put on his seatbelt. I laughed and looked at him. "But at least it smells like HAWAIIAN BREEZE IN HERE!" He said. I laughed again. "Is this normal for you?" I asked. He laughed and started driving. "Pretty much." he said. He's so weird. This is why he's my best friend.

When we got to Sam and Colby's apartment, I stood there while Colby unlocked the door. When he did, we walked in, and right there on the couch was Sam... And some chick. She was laying on his chest and he had his arm around her. She looked like a whore! She had long brown, curly hair (obviously extensions), fake tan, booty shorts, crop top, and her face was fucking covered in make up! Everything about her seemed fake. But the bad thing: she was prettier than me.

She was so much prettier than me. Her eyeliner was freaking perfect, she was skinnier than me. She had bigger boobs than me. She probably has a cuter laugh, a cuter smile, and she probably has a lot more money than me. She's better than me in every way

"I can't do this." I whispered before I ran out the door and down the hall. "Wait! Jessie!" I heard Colby tell after me. I put my back against a wall and slid down. Please tell me Sam didn't see me. Please.  


Short chapter again, I know. But, this is one of my first fan fics, so I didn't make the chapters suuuuper long. But, hope you enjoyed! Bai!

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