Chapter one

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"NO SAM! PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled as I hit the blond haired, blue eyed boy on the back. "No!" he laughed, spinning around. But since our weights don't equal out, we fell. I sat up and laughed.

"Really?" I said as I tried to get grass out of my hair. He sat up next to me and laughed. "Next time don't eat my tacos." he said, shaking the grass from his hair. I shook my head and pushed his shoulder. "Let's get back to Colby. He probably thinks we left him." I said as I stood up and swiped the grass from my jeans.

"You shouldn't have stole my tacos." He said standing up. I laughed. "Shut up." I said as we started walking back towards Colby's house.

Okay, so I'm Jessie and I'm best friends with Sam and Colby. Yes, the famous Vine stars. But the thing is, I met them before they were famous. I met them in 5th grade. Yeah, we go way back. Sam and Colby didn't even actually know each other until 8th grade. But anyway, we always hang out. Everyday. All day. And today we went to get taco bell and I took a bite of Sam's taco because I love food and mine was gone. In my stomach. And he chased me all the way out the door, down a few blocks and in a field. I knew Sam loved food but I didn't know he would run that much for it.

And, I have a little confession. I like Sam. A lot. The only other person that knows is Colby, and that's only because he wouldn't shut up about me telling him my crush. I've kept this secret for a really, really long time. But I know he doesn't like me back so why tell him, right?


"Where did you guys go?" Colby asked when we walked into his room, dripping sweat and out of breath. I put my hands on my knees and tried to catch my breath. "We raced... I won... HA!" I yelled the last part. Sam rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." he said. I hit his arm. "Just embrace the fact that I beat you." I said as I plopped down on Colby bed, right on top of Colby. "Here ya go." I said, wiping my sweat on his shoulder.

"EW! GROSS!" Colby pushed me off and I laughed. "You know you love me. Shut up." I said as I got comfortable. We all pretty much just sat there and watched TV. I was laying down with my head in Colby's lap and my feet were across Sam's lap. Trust me, this is normal. "I can't believe this is the last time we'll be hanging out in this room." Colby said with a sigh. I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. "Um... What?" I asked as I sat up.

"Sam, you didn't tell her did you?" Colby said, turning to Sam. Sam looked at me then back at Colby. "Um... I forgot...?" he said quietly. "Tell me what? What did you forget? Someone tell me things." I said, glaring at the 2 blue eyed boys. They looked at each other then looked at me. "Um, we're moving to LA," Colby started. What? "What do you mean by "we're"?" I asked, still confused. "Us. We're going to continue our YouTube career." Sam said. I could already feel my heart breaking.

"W-what?" I almost whispered. Colby hugged me. I was too frozen to hug him back. "Jessie, I'm sorry, we should've told you sooner." Colby said. I was still frozen. "Jessie, are you okay?" Sam asked. I snapped out of my little trance and looked at both of them. "When are you leaving?" I asked softly. They looked at each other again. "... 3 days." Sam said quietly. And that's what made my heart brake even more. "Oh..." was all I said. My best friends for 8 years are moving halfway across the country. They're all I have.

If this is gonna happen, I'm gonna tell Sam. The only thing I want to do before they leave, is to tell Sam I like him... I just have to workup the courage first...


"JESSIE! WAKE UP! WE NEED TO DO AS MANY THINGS AS WE CAN IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS!" someone yelled then I felt someone jump in my bed. Not some one, 2 people. Sam and Colby. I groaned and pulled the blanket over my face. "No." I groaned. Next thing I know, the blanket is ripped off of me.

Torn. (Sam Golbach) [Completed] {EDITING} Where stories live. Discover now