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It was a beautiful summer day. The sky was clear and the birds were chirping in the trees. People were walking around wearing t-shirts and shorts, some with iceacream, some with waterbottles.

Daichi sat down on the ground next to Suga.

How many days has it been?

Maybe those days have turned into weeks, those weeks into months, those months into years and years into decades?


Daichi had lost track of time, since their last ride.




Super excited to be releasing this! Although, you will have to wait a bit till I start writing it properly 😊❤

𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 ||𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚|| Where stories live. Discover now