Chapter 16

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"Jesus is calling, hold on" Suga said and answered the phone.

"Asahi!!! How have you been and why are you calling?" Suga answered cheerfully.

Daichi couldn't hear what they were exactly talking about, but from what he understood Asahi will be at the party tonight.

Suga and Daichi were more than happy to see their friends. They haven't seen Terushima since highschool, they still stayed in contact though. Terushima wasn't only a reckless man who loved partying, he was also an amazing friend who helped them in any situations. They felt as if it was mandatory to visit that bean.

They reached the town where Terushima lives at around 3 AM, but they decided to stop by a hotel and get some rest - too bad all the hotels were stuffed.

Not like it mattered anyway, they will just crash at Terushima's place.

The city at night was really something else, driving through it made them feel calm and relaxed.

"Why was Asahi calling you at 3 AM?" Daichi asked as Suga finished speaking.

"He's working a night shift, oh,we should visit him. I want to eat something anyway" Suga suggested.

You see, Asahi worked in a 24/7 shop, not only that, the shop he worked in was close to Terushima's house.

Daichi pulled over and watched as Suga happily got out of the car.

"Let's go visit that moose" Daichi joked and walked into the shop.

"Welcome to t--- DAICHI?!" Asahi freaked out and dropped the fresh cup of coffee on the floor.

"Asahi! Calm down, we're just stopping by" Daichi chuckled as he watched Asahi struggling to clean the coffee off his shirt.

"Yo! How ya' doin'?" Suga asked as he finally walked into the shop himself.

"As you see, working. You're far from home, travelling somewhere?" Asahi asked and gestured them to come closer.

"Roadtrip! We're gonna attend the party and visit Iwaizumi, and then go home" Suga explained. Asahi handed them hot coffee and some snacks.

"Ah, lucky! I will probably faint in a middle of the party" Asahi joked and laughed.

They continued talking, not even noticing how fast two hours went by.

"Oh, Daichi. The sun is rising" Suga pointed out.

After a few more minutes they said "see you later"s to Asahi and walked back to their car. It's nice to reunite with their childhood friend.

Suga and Daichi were sure that they will have to wait for another 5 hours till Terushima wakes up, but to their surprise - Terushima walked out of his house and went for a jog.

"Should we wait next to his house?" Suga suggested. Daichi nodded and drove closer.

Terushima was one lucky bastard, he became a coach for junior's volleyball team. He's like a kid himself, so he fits there perfectly.

It didn't take long till Terushima came back, his eyes widened as he saw two familiar figures on his porch.

"Koushi! Daichi! You're early!" he said inbetween the breaths.

"Yeah, but hey, we can help prepare for the party" Suga wiggled his eyebrows and laughed loudly.

Terushima invited them both inside to discuss the party..

6:34 PM

"Wassup!!!" Tanaka yelled as he walked into the house.

Music wasn't playing very loudly, there weren't any drunk people on the floor. The party was pretty calm.

Suga and Daichi met a lot of people that they haven't seen for a long time. Ushijima was there, though he stayed away from everyone. Tendou was also there, dancing on the table with a glass of juice in his hand because "he's a good boy", Semi and Kenjirou were there, but they disappeared somewhere. To Suga's surprise, even Ennoshita was there, he wasn't the type to go to these kinds of events.

Basically a shit ton of people attended the party, all of them were happy to see Daichi and Suga.

Suga went to the dancefloor while Daichi stayed in his seat, watching Suga from afar was more than enough.

"Yo, Daichi, take this" Terushima pushed a glass with brown liquid to Daichi.

"Ah, no, I don't wanna drink" Daichi apologized, but Terushima still pushed it back to him.

"It's cola, you idiot" he laughed. Daichi decided to drink it after Terushima kept nagging him.

He gulped down two glasses without hesitation.

"There he is!" Terushima exclaimed and hugged Daichi.

The party went for a few more hours till everyone started going home. Lucky to them, Ushijima,who owned a mini bus, didn't drink a drop of alcohol.

Suga, however, was a bit drunk.

"Daichi~~ let's go and visit Iwa-san" he said and clung onto Daichi's arm. He chuckled and helped Suga get into the car.

As soon as his precious boyfriend was safely put in his seat, Daichi got into the car aswell. He waved Terushima goodbye and started driving.

It would take him around 4 hours to get to another town and visit the almighty Iwaizumi-san that Sugawara kept rambling about.

It was dark, the only thing that Daichi could see was the road in front of him. He felt his eyes closing for a second.

Damnit. Terushima mixed his drink with something,didn't he?

"I should stop somewhere..." Daichi said, but his eyes kept closing,it was harder to keep them open everytime he blinked.

Tired and a bit drunk Daichi tried to keep his eyes open,but failed. His eyes closed for what seemed like a second, but once he opened them  - he saw a truck in front of him.

A flash of light.

A loud bang.

A painful cry escaping his angel's mouth.

Daichi opened his eyes, his right leg was completely crushed. He immediately turned his head to Suga.

Tears started spilling as he saw his precious boyfriend. Blood dripping from his head to his chest,his legs crushed completely and a metal pole stuck in his right side.

"Suga!" Daichi screamed trying to reach his boyfriend.

"No, no, no, not today!!! Please stay alive for me! We have so much we have to do! " Daichi pleaded.

Suga's eyes opened for a second.






Whoopsie poopsie.


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