Chapter 12

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"S-Suga..." Daichi whispered, poking his boyfriends stomach.

"Suga~~" he said, trying to wake him up.

"Mhmm...what..." Suga asked sleepily.

"Your..your foot is in my face..." Daichi said,trying to suppress his laughter.

Suga instantly opened his eyes, not quite realizing what happened.

"Ah, thank you" Daichi chuckled and opened the car door, letting the cold morning air in. He stepped out, streching.

" that again"Suga said, licking his lips.

"Do what?" Daichi asked confused.

"Stretch. When you do that, your shirt lifts up..." Suga smirked at Daichi.

"You perv" Daichi laughed and gestured Suga to come out of the car.

It was a beautiful morning. They were in a middle of nowhere, all that they could see were trees far far away. Sun was slowly rising,painting the sky in beautiful colors, ranging from yellow to pink to orange.

"So,how did you sleep, princess?" Daichi asked once Suga got his lazy butt out of the car.

"Not bad. How about you?" Suga stretched and yawned.

"I didn't really sleep that much. The stars were too beautiful so I ended up watching the night sky"  Daichi chuckled and smiled. He felt Suga's hands sneak around his waist.

"You should have woken me up" he pouted.

"No, you need your beauty sleep, how else would I enjoy your morning hair?" Daichi asked and ruffled Suga's silk soft white hair.

"You're making me blush.." Suga hid his face in Daichi's shirt, smiling to himself.

"Want something to drink?" Daichi asked, holding Suga close.

"Do we have anything warm?" Suga yawned once again, while still hugging Daichi.

"I think so, we refilled it yesterday" Daichi said. Suga stretched again while Daichi got something out of the car. A thermostat, still warm.

He took two cups and poured tea into them,the tea was still warm and perfect for a chilly morning like this.

"So, where to next?" Suga asked.

Daichi was quiet for a minute, trying to remember where they were and what was next.

"Well, for today we'll be driving through the woods till we reach a motel. We'll sleep there tonight" Daichi turned to Suga and wiggled his eyebrows suggestivelly.

"Oh.. Oh I see" Suga chuckled and smiled at Daichi. "since we will be driving through the woods, can we stop somewhere and just enjoy the nature for the moment?"

"Sure, we can even cook something if you're up for it" Daichi suggested, once he saw Suga's approving nod, he got off the car and sat inside. He waited till Suga got in aswell and started driving.

Minute by minute they were getting closer and closer to the forest. Blasting Highway To Hell on full volume,they were having a lot of fun.

The forest got bigger and bigger till the giant wall of trees,stretching for miles was in front of them. A lonely road between two walls seemed like the most mysterious and scariest place ever, but an adventure is an adventure.

As soon as they drove into that magical place, the atmosphere changed. Suga couldn't help but look outside. The view was too terrific not to look at, all he could do was imagine amazons running around the forest, chasing them, he could imagine majestic mythical creatures running along with them.

Daichi glanced at Suga a few times, happy to see Suga so amazed and thrilled.

Miles and miles of this road was awaiting ahead of them...






Trump won,how do you feel about that?
Also should I write a chapter that would include smut or no? I need to know.

𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 ||𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚|| Where stories live. Discover now