Chapter 9

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"Let me choose the music this time" Suga said  and grabbed his phone.

"No freaking way. When it's raining you always play depressing songs and I don't want that" Daichi faked an angry face.

"But Daichi~~~~~~, I really want to play this one song I found. It's not depressing" Suga whined.

"Fine, but if I hear words like death and suicide I will throw your phone out" Daichi chuckled.

They were back on the road again, this time the trip was gonna be much longer, possibly making them sleep in the car. It was raining, but Daichi wasn't sad about that. Usually when it rains on the trip people get mad, but Daichi loved the sound of rain hitting the windows, it made him calm down.

A weird beat started playing.


"Whoa whoa whoa!!!!!" Daichi almost screamed "what kind of song is this?"

"It's called rap, Daichi. Recently got into it"Suga explained,trying not to laugh

( sexy muthafucker~~! *in the background*)

"Suga, you know how I feel about curse words..." Daichi turned his head to Suga for a second.

"I know,but be rebelious sometimes, will ya'?" Suga poked Daichi's arm.

"Ugh...fine. Leave it" Daichi knew that fighting with Suga is pointless, Suga always won.

"Yay! Now, Daichi, I have some questions for you" Suga faked the voice of an interviewer.

"Go ahead Sugawara-san" Daichi tried to hide his laughter.

"So, what are your thoughts on pretty boys with light-silver hair?" Suga smiled, fixing his hair.

"There is only one boy I know who has that hair and I love it. I love him" Daichi chuckled.

"How sweet! What are your thoughts of sex in a car?" Suga asked completely poker-faced.

Daichi choked on his own saliva and hit on the breaks, stopping the car and coughing violently.

"What kind of question is that??!!" Daichi asked.

Suga wiggled his eyebrows sugestivelly.

"It's been a while~~" He whined.

How can someone resist that face?

"Suga, look, we can't" Daichi looked at Suga who frowned slightly.

"Fine.... " he crossed his arms and sat back down.

Daichi sighed loudly before starting the car again.

Once again, fighting with Suga is pointless, he always wins.





Sorry for this short filler.
I'm quite busy and I have to see the doctor tomorrow.
It's 11:09 PM.


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