Chapter 10

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Quick note here: I have no idea what I'm doing.... I just wanted to say I've written the Epilogue and I'm really excited about it....

Okay on with the story.. But first, this gif is relative to what is about to happen.....

 But first, this gif is relative to what is about to happen

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When Bucky finished telling us what was going on, I fell back against the metal machine and rubbed my temples, the beginnings of a headache throbbing in my head.

"So we need to go to your old Hydra base to stop some asshole-"
"Sorry but you need to broaden your vocab, Steve. As I was saying, we need to go to your hold Hydra base to stop some asshole," I glanced at Steve and Sam, "from releasing a bunch of Winter Soldiers who are much worse than you on to the world."
"At your old Hydra facility."
"Where it's cold."
"Do you have a point, Livvie?"
"Yeah. We need back up. And a jet. And a pilot."
"I'm one." Steve said and I rolled my eyes.

"And back up. Stark and co. Are going to try and stop us."
"I know someone." Sam said. All three is us looked to him for clarification but he shrugged and pulled out a burner phone and started typing on it.

"I know someone as well."
"Yeah. And he can get Wanda."
"Is that such a good idea? He's retired."
"But he'll help. He knows what it's like to be brainwashed into something he doesn't want to do."
"True. I'll get a van for him to get Wanda and meet us as Germany where we have a Quinjet." Sam got off of the phone and threw his phone on the ground and destroyed it.

"Liv, you want to retrieve the asset?" He pointed at his head and I looked through it, scanning through his mind to get the information I needed and tried not to laugh.

You got beaten up by this guy?

"Shut up, Stone." I shook my head and stood up, pulling a hair tie out of my pocket and tied my hair back and moved away from Bucky who watched me intensely.

"I'll see you boys later."
"Can you meet us on the road?"
"To Germany?"
"Sorry. Yeah, I'll get Clint and Wanda together and I'll go get Tic Tac." I teased Sam who glared at me.

"Why so serious, Sammy?" I asked, cocking my head at him. He went from zero to a hundred pretty quickly when it came to his 'I'm-so-done-with-you-right-now' expression that I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Steve, if you can get Sharon to get our things? There's a bridge 30 kilometres from here. Get her there and then tell her I say thanks."

"Bucky, make sure Steve does nothing stupid."

"Sam..... Be nice." I concentrated on where I wanted to go and thought hard. Clint was outside of Vienna now, on a holiday with Laura and the kids so I focused hard and the next minute, I popped and appeared in their hotel room.

"Shit." Clint was sitting on the bed, no one else around.

"Hey, Clint." I grinned nervously. He smiled and got up, pulling me into a tight, familiar bear hug.

"Hey, popper. Whatcha doing here?" He asked and I knew he was trying not to out right ask me what's happened because of the strained look on his face.

"Not much. Just a little accident back home." We have a situation.

"Like normal situation or Stark gone crazy situation?" How bad?

"A little bit worse. Like, catastrophic, our house is going to blow up with tension." If it doesn't get sorted, the world will be in a pile of crap. Clint groaned.

"You need my help?"
"Can you say hello to the kids before we go?"
"Well, duh." Just as I got that out of my mouth, the door opened and Laura came in with the kids. She looked up at me from little Nathaniel and smiled grimly.

"You need him, don't you?"
"Sorry. It's an emergency."
"Does this have to do with.." She mimed a blowing up. I nodded.

"Sorta. Kiddlings!" I got attacked by the two older Barton kids and hugged them, making them float in the air.

"Clint, we need to talk."
"I'll take Nathaniel." I offered and Laura passed him to me, allowing me to coo over the baby. Yes, I was a sucker for babies so whenever there was a baby and the Avengers were trying to get away from a large crowd of fans, we always got stuck for an extra ten minutes because I would go gaga over the baby.

"You kids enjoying the holiday with your dad?" I asked the kids, half aware of their answer and half aware of the fact that Laura and Clint were talking in the bathroom avidly about what was going on.

I nodded along to what the kids were telling me (I know, rude right? But I needed things to hurry up) and suddenly had the impulse to go back to the warehouse I had going my friends even though I knew they weren't there.

"Let's go." Clint came out of the bathroom with Laura clasping his hand.

"Have you got your gear?"
"He doesn't travel without it." I nodded.

"You may want to suit up then. I'm dropping you off at a car dealers close to the new facility where you'll need to choose a van and I'll be off to get another recruit Steve and Sam want me to get." I chuckled at the memory Sam had of the guy and gave Nathaniel back to Laura, hugging her in the process.

"Get him home safe. Please." She told me, hugging me tightly.

"I will." Clint came out dressed in his gear and stood beside me.

"I'll see you all later." The kids came and got a hug and a kiss from him and Laura watched with proud but sad eyes.

"I love you." She said and he smiled. My heart strings tugged at their small exchange.

"I love you too." He replied before I wrapped my arm around his waist and teleported, leaving them in our wake.

"Holy shit that felt weird."
"Like stepping into the other room with some extra umph."
"Yeah. That works." I chuckled and released Clint in the middle of the car sale lot.

"Get Wanda, I'll get the new guy, meet me half way and then I'll meet you in Germany."
"Well. This should be fun."
"Oh yeah. Later gater." I waved and watched as Clint went car hunting in the dying light of day.

"Now we get Lang." I teleported almost immediately into my room of the Avengers facility and grabbed my laptop before teleporting away to a safer location to find out where to find Scott Lang.

Authors Note: Not a lot of action, I know but it's coming. Don't worry. The action is coming.

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