Espen Blackwood had never been past the abandoned woods filled with dead and charred trees that surrounded her mother's rickety home. They never had any visitors for no one was brave enough to travel onto her mother's dead and spooky property. Their house was small and rickety, it leaned to the left (noticeably so), it had spider webbed windows made from the bars of abandoned prison cells, the roof was made from the wood of sunken ships from disastrous voyages and designed to look like an old-fashion witches hat. If all that didn't tell a stranger it was a witch's home, the whole yard did, covered in old bones, some from animals, some from humans and some, some not even Espen knew. In a strange way Espen Blackwood understood why her mother was the way she was, she understood that it was more important to learn her spells and potions like her mother always told her to. She understood that someday her mother would be gone and it would be her job to be the wickedest creature alive. But there was one thing Espen didn't understand. –Why did her mother want to rule so badly?
The Tale of Two Fairies
RomanceOnce upon a time in a land far, far, away there was a story, quite unlike any Fairy Tale told before. Alex, the cute, little heir to the throne had an encounter he wouldn't soon forget...or would he? One day, out with the King, Alex made a new frie...