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Just one more. Michael told himself. But, he knew that he wouldn't just have one more he would have two or three more. He was already aware that he was drunk, but he could still feel the pain of life and still could remember things that he didn't want to remember.

"Another!" Michael yelled drunkenly as he lifted his empty beer bottle them slamming it down on the hardwood bar. This now causing the bottle to shatter in Michaels' hand, yet he seemed to feel no pain. He just uncontrollably laughed even though tears were forming in his eyes.

"Michael, I need to call your someone to pick you up again." The bartender, Calum, said looking at Michael who sat there pulling out shards of glass from his hand.

Michael stood up leaning over the bar then grabbing Calum's shirt collar. "If you call anyone, I'll never forgive you."

"You say that every time, now give me your phone." Calum says holding out his hand.

Michael leaned his head against the edge of the bar and reached into his pocket for his phone. "Here." Michael says his words slurred.

Calum stood staring at Michael while he scrolled through his contacts. "Who do you want me to call?"

Michael looked up at him. "No one. I'm walking home. Screw this. I don't need everyone on my back all the damn time! I'm doing something for myself!"

Michael reached for his phone, but Calum pulled it back. "Let me just write something down and I'll give it back to you."

Michael's breathing was becoming heavy as his anger grew. "Give me the god damn phone!" He yelled reaching over the bar and grabbing the phone.

"Fine. Get out." Calum yelled. "Be the drunk you are and just let your life fall apart!"

Michael shook his head and stormed out of the bar with his hand still bleeding, his head pounding, and his heart still hurting from the pain of life.


He didn't know what to do. He sat on the curb of the sidewalk and stared at the cars that drove by. The humming of the cars seemed to calm Michael and take his mind off drinking and everything else happening in life. It's like the calm hums of the cars were helping more than going to an AA meeting or going to rehab.

Yet, Michaels' thoughts were interrupted by a car pulling up in front of him. He saw someone get out of the driver's side of the car and walk over to him.

"Michael, what the hell is wrong with you!" Michael sighed at the sound of the person's voice, it was Luke. "Why the hell does Calum have to call me every god damn time you get freaking drunk!"

"I didn't tell him to call you, okay?" Michael said standing up and walking in the other direction.

"Michael, who the hell served you that drink cause I sure as hell know that Calum wouldn't do that." Luke yelled.

"I don't know some new guy I hadn't seen before." Michael yelled in frustration.

Luke ran his fingers through his hair. "Seriously, you need to stop this. This isn't good for you." He looked as though he would break down into tears at any moment. "Michael, I can't be your friend anymore if you're going to be like this. I want my sober friend back, I don't want a drunk friend. I want the friend I had in high school."

Michael looked down. "I guess this is when I say I'll stop drinking, we hug, and then I get in the car with you and everything will be okay."

"Well, Michael I wish was that easy. 'Cause you've made that promise many times and it hasn't worked out yet. So, let's skip the first two things and end at the last one, which is you getting the damn car."


As Luke drove along the long rode back to Michaels' moms house, Michael stared out the window dazed. He could feel his eye lids getting heavy until they finally closed. Yet, they didn't stay closed for long since Luke had reached over and shook Michaels' shoulder to wake him up.

"Don't fall asleep in my car. 'Cause I'm not dragging you out." Luke said sternly. Michael sighed sitting up in the seat.

"You know I could've walked home." Michael spoke groggily.

"No, you couldn't have. Know long you, you would have walked to buy more beer."

Michael shook his head and looked out the window. "No, I wouldn't have." He said quietly.

They didn't understand what was going through my head. Michael thought to himself. I was hurting inside, but they couldn't see it.

"Michael, you need to stop this. You were sober for so long." You call 3 months a long time. "I don't know what we have to do to get it through your thick skull." Luke said banging his fist on the steering wheel.

"Could you shut the hell up for five minutes?" Michael yells, making the headache he already worse.

"Whatever. Michael, when you get into worse trouble than this don't come crying to me 'cause I'm not helping anymore."

Note: another new story! This one is like a real life(?) topic.

Tell me your opinions on this!

All the love- H

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