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Michael stared out the passenger window of the car. He watched as some people that were from the AA group walked down the street, all five of them carrying a Starbucks or another type of coffee cup. Michael rolled his eyes at the sight of the men, since he wasn't really friends with any of them. All the men were over 30 years of age.

"Honey cheer up." His mom announced. "Why don't you make some friends in AA. Or if that doesn't happen me, you, and Luke could all go out for lunch."

Michael didn't answer.

"Michael, stop being so stubborn with me. Please." She said looking over at Michael.

"Fine, you knew why I don't want any friends here?" He says.

"Why?" She replies.

"'Cause every single one of them in there are over 35, probably married, maybe even some kids, a house of their own, and a job. I don't think I'd fit in with them." He says rolling his eyes and turning back to look out the window.

His mom sighed at Michael's response, she did open her mouth to respond but closed it not wanting her son to become angry by what she were to say. So, she stayed quiet for the rest of the ride.


"So, why don't we go around and say our names, addiction and how long you have been clean for aloud." Andrew, the head of the meetings, announced in a voice that was too cheery. "I'll start. I'm Andrew. I was a alcoholic. I've been sober for 3 years now. Alright, now let's go around the circle."

The others sitting around Michael all told their son stories. All of them the same. There were 5 alcoholics, 7 drug addicts, and 2 that were both an alcoholic and drug addict.

Michael must have dazed off since Andrew was calling for him and another person kicked his leg.

"Sorry." He said sighing. "I'm Michael. I'm an alcoholic. I'm not sober, probably had about 5 drinks, possibly more, last night. The last time I was sober was 3 months ago. And I don't really want to be here. I'm just doing it for my mom and my friend."

The group was silent.

"Well, why doesn't everyone find a partner and talk to each other what you have gone through." Andrew said with a wide grin on his face.

Michael sat there looking around at everyone, yet all of them of already had a partner. He sighed standing up and walking to the back of room to see a boy. He had straight blonde hair, that had obviously been flat ironed since there were small curls here and there, his hands shanking frantically, and his head shaking violently.

Michael walked up to him slowly, then placing his hand softly on the boys' shoulder. "Wanna be partners?"

The boy looked up at Michael. His eyes were blood shot—he knew the boy looked familiar but Michael didn't say anything—and teary as though he had been crying moments before. Then the boy nodded slowly.

"Alright." Michael said pulling up a chair and sitting down next to the boy. "What's your name?"

"A-Ashton." He stuttered out his hands shaking as he brought them up to his mouth, only to start biting his nails. "What's your name?"

"Michael." He looked down. "So, what's your story?" Michael rolled his eyes only to give a quiet laugh after.

"I-I was a drug addict. I got arrested back in 2012 and 2014 for drug use, selling, and making. I was mostly selling and making hard drugs for people. I've stopped making, which has stopped my selling. Yet, neither of those stopped my addiction. That's why I came here I thought it would help." Ashton had said everything so quickly and quietly that Michael couldn't understand what he had just told him.

"So, wait you were like Walter Whiteing that shit." Michael slapped his knee, trying to hold back the laughs. "God, did you have a Jesse too?"

Ashton rolled his eyes. "No I didn't. Now, please tell me about you."

"Well, everything really started when my parents divorced. That was back in about 2011 and I was drinking to get my mind off everything, but then everything went a bit too far. That causing me to get arrested for drunk driving in 2012. I was sober for three months, but I fell back down the hill and well," Michael motioned his hands around the room. "I ended up here."

Ashton nodded still biting his nails nervously. "I think I should go." He spoke quietly standing up and walking to the exit.

Michael sighed only to then hear Andrew telling everyone that the meeting was over and that he hoped to see some of next week.

"Andrew," Michael said walking up to him.

Andrew turned his head, smiling widely at Michael. "Yes, Michael."

"Um, the kid I was with, Ashton. Was he really high or really nervous?" Michael asked putting his hands into his pockets.

"Ah, Ashton is somewhat of a special case. He's had a rough time with people his whole life. He just needs some time. Just give him some time."

Note: aw poor ash :(

Hope this was a good part!

All the love- H

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