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"Michael," Luke said softly. "Can you hear me? Please dear god stay with me."

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." A doctor said pulling on Luke's arm signaling him to do what he was being told to do.

Luke stumbled back in shock at what he was seeing, only to be caught in Karen's arms. He stood at the window to the room and stared at what they were doing to Michael's almost lifeless body that was lying there. He then watched as his friends hand lid from the bed only to dangle.

Tears began to stung Luke's eyes. He held them back about them he fell to his knees and let all the tears fall.



Michael sat alone in his room a beer bottle in his hand and others surrounded his feet.

"Nobody cares. Nobody cares." Michael sang in a drunken tone. "Wouldn't it just be so much better if I were to be gone so people wouldn't worry about me?" He said moving his beer bottle in a circular motion and watched the liquid inside swirl around.

Michael stood up and staggered his way over to his closet. He opened the door and too one more swig of the beer before dropping the bottle on the ground.

"Now, now what to wear to this event." He said laughing as he spoke. He moved his hands along the clothes that were in his closet and finally pulled out a white button down shirt, a clean pair of black jeans and his black vans.

After Michael had changed his clothes he staggered his way to his bedroom door and down the hall way placing his hands on either side of him, this helping him keep his balance as he walked. Michael then stumbled down the stairs to find his mother fast asleep on the couch in the dark with only the bright flashes from the tv screen.

He walked up to her and softly said, "Goodbye." Michael then walked into the hallway searching for his mother's purse. He turned his head the deacons chest they had and saw that the keys were attached the to the side of the bag. He then unclipped the keys, gripping them in his hand and then walking out he door.

That was the last thing he remembered doing.



Luke bit nervously at his nails as he and Karen sat waiting for the doctor to come and tell them how Michael was.

All the police and doctors told them was that he was in a car crash. That was it. Nothing about who hit who, but they both knew the answer to that one.

"Do you think he's okay?" Luke asked Karen his voice cracking as though he were a twelve year old boy going through puberty.

"Well, there was more damage done to him than the car, so I don't don't know Luke. I truly don't know." Karen said placing her hand on Luke's knee.

Luke cried harder than he had before. "I can't lose him." Luke cried. "I know we haven't been the closest of friends, but he's all I really have left."

Karen pulled Luke closer to her. "Luke, if you think he's going to be okay that's something you should hold close to you." She said. "But, it was his choice to get into that car and now he's in gods hands."

Karen rubbed Luke's back and stood up  holding a tissue in her hand as she walked away.

Now he's in gods hands. That kept running though Luke's head. Luke wasn't religious and knew nothing like that was really happening to Michael. If the life of Michael was in Gods hands He would have taken Michael's life a long time ago.

Note: I'm not crying my eyes are just sweating :')

Also, I entered this story into the Wattys this year. If you want to see what else I've put into the Wattys read my most recent update on Asylum.

All the love- H

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