Bye-Bye Mitch.

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*Dylin's POV*

"I swear there's never anything on Netflix." I threw the remote on the bed. Mitch picked it up.

"Let's what supernatural." 

"Are you serious? That used to be my favorite show but I stopped watching it."

"Hell yeah."  He gave me a kiss on my head and I nodded. Andy was at work so Mitch came over so I wasn't alone. We got about 5 minutes into an episode before Bell started going nuts down stairs. I ran down there to find someone banging on our door. Mitch held Bell back so she didn't get out.

"Kellin? What the hell are you doing here? Are you drunk?"

"What the fuck is he doing here?!?!!" 

"I'm her boyfriend." Boyfriend?!!? 

"The fuck if you are." 

"Guys stop that's enough. Kellin, he's not my boyfriend."

"Then kick rocks scumbag."

"Who the fuck you callin' a scumbag?" He let go of Bell and headed toward Kellin.

"MITCH!" He stopped dead in his tracks, looked around and Bell was gone. 

"Kellin, you've got to go I will talk to you when you're sober." I pushed him out of the doorway. I ran to the truck and Mitch followed. We got int the truck and headed down the road looking for Bell. After an hour of driving around he pulled over. 

"Dylin I am so sorry I don't know what got into me." He punched the steering wheel. 

"Look Mitch it's not your fault. You didn't mean to let go, I totally understand." Even tho I was furious with him for losing my dog I couldn't blame him. He feels bad enough. "Just take me home?" He nodded and drove off.


The next day at school neither Kellin or Mitch was there. I couldn't lie I was worried. I went through the day like everything was okay. I mean maybe this could be good for me. A day to myself might be just what I need. A girl with strawberry blonde hair and bright green eyes grabbed my arm. "Hey, Dylin right?"

"Yeah, um I'm sorry do I know you?" She looks familiar but I'm not too sure who she is. 

"Kammie. From the restroom that day Thomas got expelled."

"Ohhhh yeah I remember you." I smiled, she's kinda cute.

"Me and a couple friends are going to the cafe after school, you interested?" 

"I'm game." 

"Good I'll see you there." She flashed a smiled and winked at me. 

I got through my day avoiding drama at all cost. I haven't heard from Mitch all day. I was more worried about Kellin so I gave him a call. Just my luck I got his voicemail. Later in the day I found out Miya wasn't here either. I started to get an uneasy feeling in my stomach but I toughed it out till school was over and made my way to the cafe.

"Guy's I want you to meet Dylin." Kammie introduced me to her friends. 

"That's Lacey and that is Marney." "Hi." I waved I'm so awkward. 

"So you're seeing Mitch?" 

"Lacey! Don't hound her with questions." 

"Well we're not official and after last night I'm not sure we ever will be." 

"Do tell." Marney leaned in. After I told them my story they started to worship me. They followed me around like I was their leader. It felt weird at first but then it kinda felt nice to have someone there. After coffee with my new friends I checked my phone and I had one missed call  I played the voicemail and this is what it said. 

"Hey Ray, It's Mitch. I just wanted to let you know I won't be around for awhile. I got into some pretty deep shit last night. My dad isn't letting this slide. He said this is the last time and I'm gonna learn my lesson one way or another. He's shipping me to my grandparents in California. I don't know how long I'll be there. And I don't know if I'll have a way to contact you. I also don't know where we stand. But I'll save that for another conversation. Goodbye Dylin." 

I told the girls I had to go. and headed home. Before I even got there I just wanted to cry. I barely knew this guy and he meant so much to me. I have no idea how this even happened. As soon as I got in the door I feel to my knees and threw my phone. I screamed "WHY!?" Andy came running from upstairs. I thought I was alone. Now this is embarrassing. "What is it Dylin?" He picked me up and carried me to the couch. 

"I really don't wanna talk about it." I pushed him away. "Was it Mitch? Did he hurt you? I'll kill him."

"No, he didn't hurt me. I just need some me-time." I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. I got a party invite from Kammie, I told her I wasn't dressed for a party and she told me to come by. Once I got to her house she fixed up my make-up, put two scalp braids on the left side of my head. She crimped the rest of my hair. Gave me a tight fitting black dress that showed just enough cleavage but not too much. And some black heels to match. 

"You look so amazing I might cry." She fans her eyes with her hands.

"Awwwwe Kammie don't cry. Thank you for helping me." I gave her a hug.

"Anytime. Lets go."

Is this party a good Idea? Will Mitch leaving help Dylin? We shall see. *To Be Continued.*

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