I wish I could wake up with amnesia.

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My phone, that was in my hand is currently on the floor. I dropped it when the doctor came in. I starred blankly at it. "I mean I'm sure you're a nice girl and all but I really don't know you." His voice snapped me back to reality. I looked at him with teary eyes. This is it dylin tell him now or forever hold your breath. "No, you know me. You just don't remember me. I understand I mean you had an accident and hit your head really hard on the driver side door. No offense but I'm surprised you even lived. But look that's not the point. The point is that I love you kellin fucking Quinn. I have always loved you. We grew up together you're my best friend. I need you to remember me. I need you to remember how you felt. Please kellin."

His look was priceless. "I need to get some air" He watched me as i picked up my phone and walked out the door. He looked at me as if I had killed someone.

Once I got outside, I called Myia. All it did was ring and ring and ring. "Hiya it's Myia leave a message and I'll call you back asap." "Hey Myia, It's me. Yeah I'm outside the hospital... Kellin's awake. He looks great.... Buuuut.... He doesn't remember a thing. Well I'll see you when you get here, bye." Goddamn it was cold and I didn't even know why. It was almost September. And I'm standing outside in a black crop top and a grey under shirt with black skinnys and black combat boots. Yes, I love black.

I went back inside and walked into the room as docter Rubin was walking out. He caught my arm "May I have a word with you dylin?" I look at his dissapointed face. "Of course." We walk out into the hallway and he begains to tell me exactly whats going on. "Mrs. Biersack, your friend is suffering from amnesia. We're not sure if it will be permanent or temporary." I glaced in the room, he was watching tv. He looked so lost. Right then I decided that, this will be my goal. I will make him remember. No matter what it takes.

I just shook my head in response. I didn't know what else to say. I walk back in there and sat down. Kellin smiled at me which for the first time it made me die even more inside. I wish I could wake with amnesia.

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