|1| Hate the World

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This week has been miserable. I've hidden in my room alone in the dark upset about what happened between me and Seo Yeon.

She thinks I think she's weak, which I don't because she's one of the strongest people I know. I'm the one that walked off so I'm the one that ended it.

I'm weak.


After a while I decide to get up and go apologize because I can't stand to think about her being sad or upset. I walk down the stairs to my front door when I notice a piece of paper lying on the floor. I pick it up and read that it's from Seo Yeon.

Without even reading it I run out the door and to her apartment.

I knock on the door but nobody answers.

"Seo Yeon?" I bang a little harder,"Seo Yeon are you there?"

"She's gone", says a voice from behind me. I turn around and see that idiot Sung Joo.

"Where did she go?"

"Didn't you hear what she said that night? She's gone for America."

I totally forgot about her saying that.

"No", I say not believing him,"She can't be."

"See for yourself buddy", he says leaning against the wall. Gosh he gets on my nerves.

Out of disbelief I bang on her door until I open it. The room is empty. I barge in looking around hoping this is all a joke and that she's just hiding somewhere. I walk into her room but only a single piece of paper lies on the floor, it's a picture of her.

Looking at the picture fills my eyes with tears. I sit down on the bed and tear open the letter. There has to be something in here. As I read it I can feel something inside of me being teared apart.

I will never forget you."

She must really be gone. I can't believe it. I've lost the one person that has ever loved me.

I crumble the paper in rage and fall down on the bed crying, hating this world that does nothing for me.

I Can't Live Without You [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now