|13| I Object

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It's Friday.

We're walking into the airport ready to leave for Korea.

We were invited to Seo Yeon's wedding but why go when it's just gonna make me feel worse?

I can barely keep myself together today as it is.

She becomes someone else's girl today.

There is no more Jin Sung and Seo Yeon.


Our flight is being called.

We're walking towards the gates.

"Have a great flight!" Says the flight attendant leading us in.

The gates close in five minutes.

I just can't do this.

"Sung Joo lets go."

I grab him by the arm and turn around walking off the plane.

"Jin Sung! Jin Sung where are we going? Are we on the wrong flight?"

"They said that flight was going to take us to South Korea not Seo Yeon's wedding."

He laughs a little,"Oh yeah baby! We're crashing a wedding!"



The wedding starts at six.

"Hey so I don't have a suit. Where are we gonna get one?"

"We don't need suits", I say,"We're crashing the wedding."

"Well yeah I know but I mean you're picking up your girl so don't you think I need one too? I mean I'm not gonna third wheel."

"You're not third wheeling. You're-" I try to think of something clever,"you're my sidekick. I'm the super hero saving Seo Yeon from that evil villain Woo Suk."

"Ahh I like it."



We're late but I like to make an entrance.

I can hear the opening music end.

"Woo Suk and Seo Yeon, today before you're family and friends, you will openly declare you're love for each other. You have joined your hands, spoken your promises, and given these rings as a symbol of a life long commitment to each other. If anyone objects to the matrimony of these two lovers please speak now or forever hold you peace."

"I object!"

I Can't Live Without You [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now