|7| Who Do You Love?

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The world spins around my head.

How is she engaged?

I thought she loved me?

Why this man?

What the heck am I going to do?

"These are my friends from Korea", says Seo Yeon,"Let them in Woo Suk."

Trembling in the inside I walk into the house. It's huge and shines with glamor but all I can see is the world falling apart in front of me.

Seo Yeon

Seo Yeon...

Seo... Yeon..

"Have a seat", Seo Yeon motions towards a sofa,"Woo Suk can you get them something to drink?"

"Yes sweetheart. Boys anything special you want?"

"Just water", I say not looking at him.

"Uh I'll have some champagne or whatever kind of fancy alcoholic drink you have."

I look over at Sung Joo who doesn't at all seem to be faced that he's talking to the bastard Seo Yeon plans on marrying.

"We're not here to drink", I say to Sung Joo,"Just get him water."

Woo Suk leaves the room and Seo Yeon starts talking.

"I missed you guys so much."

She hugs Sung Joo than comes to me. Her arms wrap around me and I can barely hug her back without suddenly becoming angered or upset.

"Are you crazy?" 

She lets go looking at me sadly.

"Jin Sung just listen to me-"

"No what I see here is you really didn't love me. The second I'm out of your sight you find yourself another man that your gonna MARRY! You lied-"

"Jin Sung", says Sung Joo,"Calm down. I'd like to hear her explanation."

I clench my fist together making my skin lose it color. This is crazy.

"My parents..", says Seo Yeon,"They left in they're will they wanted me to marry Woo Suk. It's an arranged marriage. Jin Sung I don't love him."

I look up almost relieved,"You don't-"

"Here's your water!"

Woo Suk sets our water down on the table then goes over and sits next to Seo Yeon placing a kiss on her forehead.

I'm gonna kill him if he doesn't stop.

"Look at us, a bunch of Koreans sitting together in America. It's been forever since I've been in Korea. I think the last time was when I met Seo Yeon. Isn't that right Yeonnie?"

Seo Yeon smiles but to me it looks like she faking,"Ah yes. Those were the days."

Yeonnie ew that's a terrible nickname for her.

"Seo Yeon?" Says Sung Joo,"I thought your memories before your accident were forgotten?"


Woo Suk cuts her off,"The second Seo Yeon and I were reunited she remembered everything. Her parents, her life, and me."

If he doesn't stop talking I'm seriously going to slice his face off right now.

"Oh look at the time", I say trying to get myself out of here before I explode,"We have somewhere to be. Please excuse us."

"Come on we're leaving", I say to Sung Joo under my breath.

"Oh uh ok. Bye Seo Yeon nice seeing you again."

"Here I'll walk you guys out", she says placing her hand on my arm.

When we get to the door she lets go and whispers in my ear,"I'm so sorry Jin Sung."

I turn to look at her with tears in my eyes. She doesn't love him but she marrying him? What were her parents thinking?

I go in to kiss her but Woo Suk's voice scares her so she steps back.

"Yeonnie let's watch a movie together!"

"I'm sorry", she says again closing the door.

I hate Woo Suk.

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