|5| Cowboys and Burgers

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On the flight there Sung Joo sleeps while I sit around not knowing what to do. I'm so bored and I have only one thing on my mind, Seo Yeon. I try to sleep but I only find myself tossing and turning restlessly.

"Ladies and gentlemen please fasten your seatbelts we will be landing shortly."

"Ah thank God."

"What's up with you? I couldn't sleep any cause you kept moving constantly."

"Oh sorry", I look down to avoid from answering his question."

"Don't worry about her too much. She's in a safe place."

He's right. The lady that came for her looked very well taken care of and healthy so I'm sure she's fine. That's just not it though.

I guess I just miss her too much.


By the time we arrive in Dallas it is still early in the morning for the U.S.

"Welcome to Dallas, Texas. We hope you enjoyed you flight", says the intercom as we exit out of the gates.

People of all kind are everywhere speaking all kinds of languages, none of which I can make out.

"Wow I thought there would be more Cowboys", says Sung Joo walking behind me,"Based on what I'm hearing there seems to be more Indians."

I face palm myself at hear his remark.

Cowboys pshhhh...


By the time we find a place to stay it's lunch time and we're both famished so we stop by a small cafe.

"Hello what can I get for you today?"

Sung Joo begins to speak in English to the waitress then asks what I want.

"I'll have a..." I don't even know what any of these foods are. The only thing I've eaten my whole life is instant ramen because that's all the hospitals ever provided for me. Sung Joo catches on and orders for me.

"Give him a cheeseburger."

The waitress says something else then leaves.

"You won't believe your tastebuds after trying that burger."


After a few minutes we are served our food. I practically swallow my burger whole because it's so good and I was hungry so I have to wait on Sung Joo. He tells me about his times in America when he was a kid but I find myself spacing out every so often.

While I'm pretending to listen I see a girl through the window walking out the back of the shop. Her figure is familiar...

"Jin Sung are you even listening?"

"Yeah.. Yeah..", I stand up and walk towards the window and look out.

"Jin Sung where are you going?"

I can't believe my eyes, "S-Seo Yeon?"

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