Chapter 1

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Today is the day that's going to determine the rest of my life in college. You see, my friends (Ava and Bri) and I just moved into our  college apartment about a week ago. We have been best friends forEVER. Today is the first day of college classes for me and my friends. I'm attending college for Psychology, because it's interesting and I don't know what else to do with my life. ANYWAYS, my alarm went off at 8:30 and groaning, I rolled over to turn it off. As my hand turned off the alarm, I noticed a new mark on top of my right hand. Each time I get a mark, they stay there for about 1-2 days. It looked like a homework assignment maybe? That's what usually appears. Whoever is on the writing end of these marks seems to be in some sort of school.

I was starving and had no idea what I wanted to wear my first day of college, so I just forgot about it and instantly headed downstairs for food. I find Ava making a HUGE breakfast. Ava is like the mom of our friend group. She always asks us what we need, reminds us of anything and everything, and makes us food. That's a huge plus, because I LOVE food and It smells amazing!

As i'm running down the stairs, she says, "There's  French toast, cereal, cream cheese bagels, fruit platter, fresh avocado, and orange juice."

"Yaaaas FOOD," Bri says as she leaps over the couch like it was a hurdle. Bri is the friend that's always hungry. Always. She's also awkward around other people like she can't be herself, but with us? I sometimes wonder if she's actually crazy. Bri's also super into track, so she's incredibly fit.

I plop down into my chair to receive weird looks from Ava and Bri, so I return the stare.

Ava speaks up and says, "Doesn't your first class start at 9?"

"How would u know? Pretty sure it's at 10, like I would forget about my FIRST COLLEGE CLASS."

"No I have all our schedules on the side of the fridge. Grab some food and GO! You're gonna be late Jean," Ava remarks.

-So Jean, that's my middle name. I always thought Elora sounded to girly, and I liked the name Jean so my friends have used it for as long as I can remember.

"No! I can't be late for my first day! I need to impress the professor!"

"Overachiever as always," Bri chuckles.

I run upstairs and throw on some running shorts, a tee, and throw my hair up in a ponytail. I almost fall down the steps running back downstairs. Then the smell of the food hit me again so I run over there and she already had a lunch box ready for me to go.

"Bye Jean! Way to start out college right!" Ava shouts. Bri mumbled something but I couldn't hear it, because she was stuffing her face with food.

"Bye and thanks!" I reply halfway out the door. The building where my first class is at is maybe 2 blocks from my apartment, but it's on the second floor. I manage to look at my phone and see it's already 8:54 so I'm sprinting to my room, and that's when I run into someone.

"Ow!" Is the first word I hear and I instantly try to get up to apologize for running into them, but I can't get up right away. I tried, but a rush of pain came from my head, and I instantly became dizzy and fell back onto the floor. Great, now I'm definitely going to be late for class, I thought. That's when I finally look at the person I ran into. He looks my age, maybe 6 foot? Dark brown hair with ocean blue eyes and.. Wait. Is he talking to me? Crap, I'm staring. Never mind, he seems kinda mad, ugh I can't deal with this right now. He finally looks at me, and his expression instantly changed.

He squats down next to me and says, "Geez, you late for class or something?" chuckling a little bit. Ok, he seems fine now. He keeps scanning my face. Is he looking at my forehead? Dang, I forgot to put on makeup this morning. Girl, what am I saying? I don't need makeup! But I would feel better with a little bit on.

"Yea, I really need to get to class, but I'm really sorry about running into you." I try to stand up again, but he puts his hand on my shoulder to prevent me from getting up this time.

"Yea, I don't think you're going to class this morning," he says. At this point, he then puts his hand up to my forehead, and I feel a sting.

"Ow! Stop! What are you doing!" I practically shout at him

"I think I should take you to the nurse. You've got a cut on your forehead. You know what? Never mind, you don't have a choice," he says. I still don't know his name, and I'm wasting my class time in a hallway with him. He grabs me by my hands and lifts me to my feet only to fall over again. He then just decides to pick me up and carry me.

"Whoa okay there bud... Um you at least know where you're going right? Since you're making me miss my first college class EVER." I say

"Yup, this is year two for me, I know where I'm going. I'm Jamison by the way."

Chuckling I reply with "Okay, fine. I'm Je- er Elora."

"Uh hey Je-erlora."

"Ugh no, it's Elora. My middle name's Jean and it's what my friends call me. Oh, is this the nurses station here?" I say.

"Oh, yea, I suppose I could let you down now, but I'll wait since you can hardly stand without falling over you twat," he mocks.

"Aww and I thought we were gonna get along. You can put me in the chair so you can actually go to class. Twat." He gave in and put me in the chair.

"Fine, until we meet again. Hopefully not like we did today. Bye Elora." He smirked and walked away, but before he completely left my view, I noticed that he had the exact same thing on his hand as I had on mine. That was the first time someone else has ever had the same mark as me...
This seems really long, but I don't really know how long these chapters are going to be. I kinda just keep writing. I know what I want to write about, but it just takes me a while because it's all new & also to figure out how I want it to be set up and what kinds of words work best... So sorry if I don't update often! :):)

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