Chapter 5

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{ Elora }

We have just arrived to the party, and it's packed.

Maybe this was a bad idea.. What if I run into him?

"Get out of the car! I need alcohol!" Bri whines.

"Yea, yea I'm coming.."

When I get out of the car, I'm overwhelmed with fear.

I don't even like people. Why am I here? I could be watching Grey's Anatomy curled up on the couch with popcorn and chocolate! I don't think I could even talk to someone if I tried:/

I snap out of my trance by Ava's hand grabbing mine.

"I know what you're thinking. I don't like people either, so just stick with me and we'll both be fine," she says giving me a toothy grin. "Drinks will definitely help, so let's go get some."

"Found a cooler of beer. Is there an actual bar here for something other than beer?" Ava says disappointed.

"Uh yea if you head closer to the fire you'll be able to find some." We both turn around to see who gave us the instructions to reveal a very attractive shirtless dude.

"Thanks," Ava giggles while he smirks and looks at us up and down.

Once I think he's out of our hearing range I say, "You totally like him."

"Well did you see him! Who wouldn't?"

"I don't know... Just seemed a lil sketch"


We approach the bar to find it insanely packed, but we just end up squeezing our way to the front. We get a few cheap shots to get our blood flowing. I'm a tequila kind of girl. It's always my go to.

I look over at Ava and say, "I don't have a story, I'm just a girl in a bar," and we both burst into fits of laughter.

I'd say we've had about the same number of shots and drinks, but Ava has a low alcohol tolerance level so she's uncontrollably laughing over my comment I stole from Grey's Anatomy.

"You watch WAY to much Grey's Anatomy! Come on!" Ava shouts.

I laugh because she's the mom of our little friend group. She's always  telling us to be careful, reminding us of our appointments, and cooks for us. It's fun to see her let loose and have fun since it doesn't happen very often.

We start making our way to where everyone's dancing, who are all pretty much intoxicated.

"Dance with me!" Ava shouts. We start dancing, letting our bodies move to the music. I drown myself into the music and forget about everyone around me. That is until someone spills their drink on me.

"What the hell!?" I spit out, but no one seemed to notice what happened. I try finding a bathroom to attempt to clean myself up, aimlessly wandering around. I can't see exactly where I'm going. Everything seems blurry, but I can perfectly see Jamison.

Shit, shit, shit, I'm gonna embarrass myself. Don't do or say anything.

"Hey Jamison!" I shout

Why can't I shut up?

"Hey Elora," he says.

"I saw you at the mall earlier today," I say slightly slurred.

"Oh.. You did?"

"Yea and you were with a girl!"

"Oh, Elora, she's-"

"No, it's fine. I just kind of thought you were flirting with me before, but I guess not!" I say slightly loud letting a few giggles escape.

"Elora, she's not who you thin-"

"Oh shut up. I'm drunk so I'll probably forget everything I'm saying anyways so I might as well say everything that's on my mind! I like you. I think I like you a lot and I've literally known you for two days! When I flirted with you, you flirted back so, like any other person in the world, I thought you liked me too. And THEN I saw you at the mall with another girl. I am done, and I don't want you to talk to me anymore," I finish and  turn my back to him, slightly stumbling.  

Jamison catches me and says, "Elora, it's not what-"

"Go away" I say with tears threatening to fall, pushing away from him making my way towards the car. I can hear him trying to talk to me, but I can't face him again. I just want to leave.  Then, I'm stopped by the hot shirtless dude Ava and I ran into earlier.

"Hey gorgeous," he says coming closer to me.

"Hey, sorry but I'm leaving," I reply with tears now falling.

"Awe c'mon, I can show you a good time," He tries again, pressing up to me.

"Dude, I don't want to be here anymore. Just get out of my way," I try yet again to get around him but he grabs my wrists and forces his lips onto my neck.

"Get off of me!" I shout trying to shove him off of me, but I'm too weak and intoxicated. That's when he's ripped off of me and thrown to the ground.

"Elora, you alright?" someone questions me, but I can't see them due to the tears and alcohol I had. Im able to see the person go up to the shirtless guy and start wailing on him. Then Bri comes up to me.

"Hey, you all right?" Bri asks. "I should've stayed with you guys the whole night, God I'm so sorry Elora."

"It's n-not your fault," I stutter.

"Okay, let's go," Bri says pulling me to her side. I turn around to see who stepped in, but he wasn't facing me. Two other guys stepped in to pull him off of the shirtless dude.

"Here, get in the car. I'll get Ava and we're going home," Bri says calmly.

I then started to drift to sleep.

Hey guys! You like it?? It's finals week, so I was lucky enough to get this chapter written;) but I might not be updating for a while:( so..
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