Chapter 3

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The Collegeee☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

{ Elora }

I finally got done at the nurses station, and it took forever. It's already lunch and I missed all my morning classes. Already off to a great start my first day of college! All because I ran straight into Jamison. It was so embarrassing, and he was super cuute;( He probably thinks I'm such an idiot..

I could honestly look into those beautiful blue eyes forever<3 Hey I should probably find my friends to go eat IM STARVINGG.

I still kinda have no idea where I'm going. I have like really bad social anxiety, so I don't have the courage to ask someone where the stupid dining hall is so I'll just follow some other people. I'll try texting Ava since she's the most likely to actually respond.

*E. Jean*
Hey, you guys in the dining hall?

Yup, We have things to tell you!

I put my phone away, eager to find them. A large group of people have formed around me, so I assume I'm close. Yup, definitely found it. I scan my eyes over the crowds of sleep-deprived college students and spot my friends talking to some guys. Interested, I start making my way over to them. Bri notices me heading their way and smiles, every tooth visible.

Why is she so happy?

"Hey guys!" I say signaling my friends to introduce me to the boys they're with.

Ava smiles wide and answers with, "Jean! These guys are in our classes. Meet Sam and Ash. Sam, Ash, this is Jea- I mean Elora. We just call her Jean, her middle name."

"Hey," Sam and Ash reply in unison.

Bri is no longer in her weird, overly happy state and concern washes over her face.

"What the hell happened to you!?" Bri says a little to loud while pointing to my forehead.

I start to reply with, "Well I ran into-" just to get interrupted by someone saying "excuse me."

I whip around to come face to face with Jamison. He didn't even really notice it was me, because he went straight to Sam and Ash.

He starts saying, "Hey, sorry I just got caught up-" as Ash interrupts him with cough to signal him to stop talking.

Ash turns Jamison around to face us then proceeds with, "WELL, Sam and I actually went to class this morning and met these two, Bri and Ava. And this is their roommate, who we just met now, who is-"

"Elora," Jamison cuts him off.

I let a sigh escape me knowing that Ava and Bri are DEFINITELY going to interrogate me and hold me against my will. I'm not even exaggerating. They probably will tie me to a chair until I give them what they want. That sounds bad.. ignore that.

Sam interrupts my thoughts with, "So, you DO know someone other than us? When'd you guys meet?" He says with a smirk.

Jamison and I then proceed to talk at the same time.

"I ran into him this morning-"
"I was walking to meet you-"

We both stop talking, and glance at each other. Good, I'm not the only one who looks super nervous. Then we both try to proceed again.

"I brought her to the nurses-"
"I was running down the hall-"

Ash then further embarrasses us by adding, "Calm down guys, we know you made out," making me blush furiously.

"shut up Ash," Jamison says slightly annoyed.

That's when I just told them the whole story, even though it was completely unnecessary.

"-and he just brought me to the nurses station, and went on his way," I finish.

Ash and Sam are simply nodding and accepting my explanation. Meanwhile, my friends are smirking as hard as their faces could possibly allow.

"Ok, ANYWAYS, anything happening this weekend?" I say, desperately hoping to change the subject.

"Not that I know of. I was planning on visiting home unless there was a party or something," Bri says grinning.

"Oh yea! There's always a party down by the beach at the beginning of every year. It's usually the biggest party of the year. Tomorrow night actually," Ash replies.

"It's gonna be lit!" Sam says a little to eagerly.

"Well count us in!" Bri blurts without Ava's or my opinion.

"Ok, we'll see you there," Ash replies and proceeds to walk away with Sam and Jamison.

"Dude whAT THE HECK?" I shout once I notice the guys are out of sight.

"What? I thought it'd be fun," Bri pouts.

"Yea, but you didn't even ask for my opinion!"

"Well I thought we would just all go to the party since it's the first party."

"I had plans though. I really wanted to visit my grandma."

"Please, please, please!" Bri begged. I kid you not, she was on her knees begging for us to go. "It's our first party! We have to go! Plus, guys," she smirks

Ava finally decides to contribute to the conversation by saying, "I agree with Bri. We could at least go for a little while."

I really want to go to the party, but Jamison will be there. God, I'd probably embarrass myself again, but it's our first college party and this is the one to go to... Ugh, what's happened to me? Get a hold of yourself girl. Who cares about Jamison, there'll be plenty of other people there... Right?

"Okay, fine I'll go," I conclude.

"YAY!" Bri shouts so loud it makes me cringe, "Let's head back to the apartment and find outfits!"

"Ok, but you know it's not 'til tomorrow night right?"

I'm starting to question why I agreed to go.

"I know that, but we need to make sure we have what we need. Otherwise, we have to go shopping."

"Kay, well let's go," Ava agrees.

Hey guys! This one was actually kind of long lol. I'm super excited to write more! And uh peace😂✌🏼️

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