Chapter 8

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I just wanted to say my last chapter was exactly 1000 words.. Meh carry on ;) and I had no idea what to put up^^ so it's just one of my pics I took;)

So, where did I leave off... Oh yea!

And THAT'S when my reading, had "coincidentally" been interrupted by-

"Hey babe, what you doing here so late?"

Standing in front of me was Sam, Jamison's friend, ya know, the one who well, gets around a lot.

"Helllooo, earth to Elora," Sam smirks and does some weird jazz hands thing in front of my face.

"The fuck you want?" I growl.

"Ooh, you swear! I didn't pin you for that," he says moving closer to me.

"Go away."

"Come 'on, can't you just tell me why you're here so late?"

"I'm just looking through some books.."

"Oh really, you're tables covered in books. Why are you LOOKING through the books," Sam says now moving into the seat next to me.

"Ughh my grandma was telling me something, and I had a thought," I sigh.

"Boring, let's go out," he leans in a little to close to my face with eager eyes.

"No thank you, goodbye," I say reaching for my book.

"Please? Come 'on, you'll have fun, I promise," he whispers to my ear.

"Get away from me!" I shout and shove him away from me. He falls to the floor, and is instantly picked up by Ash who is now holding him back.

"Dude what the hell are you doing? Get in the pickup, I'm taking you home. Hey Elora, you ok?"

"Yea, thanks Ash," I smile.

"I'm SOO sorry. see you tomorrow," he says as he drags Sam outside, who is currently throwing a fit.

I hadn't realized how late it was, so I decide to take the book and head back to my apartment. Right as I leave the library, I look across the campus and see Jamison outside,  but there's someone with him. I'm way to curious so I try getting closer to see who it is. As I get closer to them, I step on a branch which made a loud crunch noise and I cringe. I look up at them and see them looking around trying to figure out where it came from.

Jamison says, "Go, text me if you need to meet again." She kisses him on the cheek and starts jogging towards her car. Jamison takes one more look around and heads back inside of his dorm.

Seriously!?! It's that same girl from the mall the other day! Ugh, I'm going home.

I get to my apartment and it's pitch black. Well, I guess they're already sleeping. I get undressed, brush my teeth and plop onto my bed. My clocks says it's 1:30am and I internally groan.

"Ugh, Tomorrow's gonna be a shitty day," I mutter as I fall asleep.
Hey! So as you know, there's a new character, the girl that Jamison has been seen with. I am introducing another new character next chapter!!

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