Chapter 9

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I wake up quite peacefully, I know, shocking. I don't even feel tired really.

Well, maybe today's not going to be such a shitty day after all. Do I smell bacon?!

I sprint downstairs and find Ava making bacon and eggs. I instantly start drooling.

"Hey, sorry I'm not making the usual big breakfast, I gotta leave for class like now," Ava says.

"It's smells amazing, plus I didn't have to make it so it's good no matter what," I muffle through the eggs already in my mouth.

"MOVE!" Bri shrieks as she jumps over the couch and sprinted out the door. Ok, she didn't actually jump over the couch. More like tripped and fell, then got up and sprinted out the door. Ava and Bri left for class and I have an hour before my first class, so I don't feel rushed. After I finish eating, I go upstairs to shower and change into clothes. Since I don't feel like crap today, I decide to actually look nice! I find a pair of light blue skinny jeans and blue converse to match. I had just bought a new white Tshirt with a cool floral pattern on it so I put that on. And knowing me, just wearing jeans feels dressy so I put my hair up in a bun so it's out of my face. By the time I had showered and put on my outfit, 45 minutes had gone by.

Now I remember why I don't dress up. Ugh!

I just put on some concealer, lipstick and mascara and I'm out the door. My first class was only a block away, so I'm doing good! I arrive to class with five minutes to spare, which is a first, and grab a spot by the window.

(After class)

The bell just rang and I'm packing up my stuff to head to the dining hall. But right when I turn around, I hit my head on someone.

"Ow!" I exclaim as all my stuff falls out of my hands.


"I'm so sorry! Here, I got this," he says bending down to pick up my stuff. He stands ups blushing furiously with a lopsided smile.

Oh my god, he's so cute. Why does this keep happening to me? Ughh.

"Oh no problem! Thanks, but I gotta go," I say running out of the room.

I make my way to the cafeteria to meet up with my friends. I can't wait to tell them what just happened, again. Entering the cafeteria, I spot my friends and the rest of the crew and that's when I remember what happened last night. To think my friends have no idea what had happened to me last night, and seeing them having a grand time with Sam laughing away at something makes me feel sick. No, actually sick. I think I'm gonna throw up. My friends finally notice me and wave at me to come over, while Ash just looks at me with concern. I run out and head towards the bathroom and instantly started puking. I hear the door open right after me and Ash's voice.

"Jean?" He says as he opens the door to my stall. "Oh." As he starts gathering my hair to hold. He waits patiently, not saying anything as I empty my stomach. I finish and stand up with Ash's help and we head back to the cafeteria.

"Thanks," I mumble.

"No problem, just let me know if Sam is making you uncomfortable."

"Ok, thanks." We head back to our table

"Hey Jean! You ok?" Ava queries.

"Yea, you kinda just bolted out of here," Bri adds.

"Yea, I'm fine," I say and I steal a glance at Sam who is just staring at the ground. Jamison has his eyes locked on Sam and still hasn't said anything, probably because he's noticed the way Sam is behaving now.

He snaps out of his 'state' and says, "So, Sam what'd you do last night."

"Oh uh, well I had left my books here so I just came here to pick them up," Sam quietly states.

"Yea, ok what actually happened?"

"Dude, not now," Ash whispers.

"Jean, what's going on?" Bri asks.

"I gotta go," I spit out. I get out as fast as I can and head straight back to my apartment.

I can't be around Sam anymore, I just can't.
I will have pictures of the two new characters next chapter! What do you think of the whole Sam and Elora situation?

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