Chapter 7

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So this morning I woke up and headed straight back to the college from grandmas, but not before she forced me to sit down and eat breakfast with her. I texted my friends ahead of time to let them know I'd be at the library. I'm the type of person that wants an answer to everything, so I go to hit the books. The story my grandma told me, about her and the guy she thought she'd end up with, has been going over in my mind. What if he didn't die? Would they be together or would she still have met my grandpa? Can you have one true love or many? Maybe it's not even supposed to be called 'true love'. Maybe it's actually... 'fate'. Once I arrive to the library, I start wondering..

What the hell am I thinking? Am I supposed to be looking through philosophy books? I probably couldn't find any books if I tried.

I try searching for some books that might possibly tell me something despite my thoughts. After a while, I start losing hope of finding anything, but then I remember the marks on our skin that we get. I could turn to history books for that, and who knows? I could maybe find an answer for both.

-----3 hours later-----

I have so many books laid out all over the table and have many spots marked. I could not believe the information I found. I found a special history book hidden in the shelf written by a local, so it's not like many people would read it, but this person, [a she], had a lot of thoughts. I don't really know if this person had anything to support their "theory". They suggested that the marks are caused by a person that you're "connected" to. This person explained their own situation on how they got regular marks just like everyone else, whether it was some sort of list, design, or possibly a number.

But one day, she got an address that appeared on her hand which was not too far from where she lived at that time so she decided to visit the place so she planned to leave the next day. The whole drive over, she felt very nervous at what she would find, but tried to calm down by reminding herself that she must've had that address appear for a reason. She arrived at the destination to reveal a nice, modern house that appears to have just been sold with a moving truck in the driveway. She had no idea how to approach them. What would she even say? Right when she was about to abort mission, a man walked outside. She was instantly fascinated by him. "The way he looked and carried himself just captured my attention. He had a smile on his face. And then he starts heading towards me."

I'm starting to doubt this book, it's sounds so cliche... But I'm way to curious to just stop reading..

'So he's walking towards my Car, meanwhile freaking out. Then he knocks on my window.

"Hey, so uh I noticed you were kinda sitting outside my house," he says.

"Oh was I?"

"Hahaha yea, uh do you want to come inside for coffee or something?" He asks casually.

"Sure," I mutter quietly as I stumble out of my car and follow him inside.

"Please, sit." I take my spot and take in my surroundings as he heads to the kitchen. Jesus, he's good at decorating.

"Well thank you," he smirks handing me my coffee.

"So... Do you like my house or something?"

"Uh, what?" I say completely caught off guard.

"Well, you were sitting outside my house," he says gazing into my eyes.

"Oh yea, Sorry about that. It's just... Well, its kind of a funny story." He watches me, waiting for me to continue. "Oh um, well, I had this mark on my hand. It was this address, so I came to find out why it was on my hand." He just stares at me.

"Uhh yeah?" I chuckle uncomfortably.
He finally breaks his gaze and holds up his hand.

"I just bought this house so I wrote the address on my hand..." He says slowly with a confused look on his face. He then grabbed my wrist and studied my hand. "This is my handwriting, but I've never seen you before."

We sat in silence for a while just studying each other, trying to figure this whole thing out.

"Well, last time I got a mark, it said work early. It appeared maybe a week ago on the palm of my hand."

I'm not really sure what happened, but the next thing I know, he has his lips pressed against mine.

He slowly lifts his head and looks me straight on, silence elapsing between us. I grab the pen in his shirt pocket and write 'Believe' on the back of my hand. He instantly gets where I'm going with this and holds out his hand. Surely enough, the same thing appeared on his hand within a matter of seconds.

"Oh my god," he whispers. I then proceed to pull him into a tight embrace, and for some odd reason, I feel like its where I belong. He returns the hug and we don't let go. It was at that moment, I had my thought of what this could be.'

And THAT'S when my reading, had "coincidentally" been interrupted by-
Ughh, I feel so freakin horrible that I haven't posted for a LONG time. I thought I was going to have all this time to write chapters this summer, but I've actually
had a pretty busy summer:)) Again, so sorry out to my
like, 2 readers;) lmao

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