Chapter 10

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^^^^ New characters :))
Jessica Stroup as Jess
Dave Franco as Jake

What was wrong with Elora? And why is Sam acting so weird? I wanna question Sam, but I should go check on Elora.

"Dude, what is going on," Bri asks.

"I don't know, should we go talk to her?" Ava questions.

"Can I go actually? I might attack Sam if I stay here," I say as i glare at Sam, who looks like a helpless puppy.

"Uh sure, go for it," says Ava. I start jogging towards the exit where Elora went, but I feel like I need to find her immediately. She was already harassed at the beach party WE invited her to, and now possibly something MY friend did. I start heading to her apartment. When I got to the door, I nearly broke it down.

"Elora!" I shout. I stay quiet for a moment to see if I can hear her. That's when I heard a door slam. I walk in the direction I heard it and knock.

"Elora? It's Jamison, you alright?" I don't get a response but I can hear her sniffling. Ok, nope can't take it. I walk in and see her look up and it breaks my heart.

"Elora," I whisper, "what happened?"

"I was at the library and Sam came and *sniffle* he wouldn't leave me alone and-"

"Hey, it's ok. Just tell me."

"It's not even a big deal, he just was saying stuff"

"Yea, but he knew what happened to you just days earlier. He shouldn't have done anything."

"Ugh, I still feel stupid, but I can't even look at him," she sniffled. I really can't take it. God, I wanna smash Sam's face.

"Hey, no I understand. Do you want anything? Maybe his face smashed cuz I can do that." She chuckles, thank god.

"No, but can you stay here for a little bit?"

"Of course," I say getting on the ground next to her.


Wow, I can't believe Jamison actually came after me. And he was so nice. I hadn't realized how much I needed to talk to someone. Now that I'm alone, I remember the book I had taken from the library. This will for sure keep me distracted. I continue reading and figure out this book is all completely a story about her life with no further thoughts about what she thought of the marks. Well, if she wasn't gonna tell me I guess I'll figure it out for myself.

My friends got home not too long after I finished the book and surprisingly don't come bother me. I should probably head downstairs to let them know I'm fine. I creep downstairs to find them both sitting silently at the table.

"Hey guys," I try to say as casual as possible.

"Oh, hi." Okay... I don't think they know how to react. Whatever.

"So when I was at the library, I found a book written by a local telling her experience with her marks."


"So... haven't you wondered why we get these marks cuz I have. And—" I proceed to tell them about her story.

"So I'm thinking that people are somehow linked and the marks are caused by other people. I didn't tell you guys this, but the day I ran into Jamison, he had the same mark as me on his hand."

"Whoa really? That's weird. So do you think you guys are 'connected'?" Ava states and Bri chuckles. "Ok shut up, dirty mind."

"Well Im not sure, but isn't it interesting? I'm gonna look more into it."

"Okay, well good luck 'connecting'," Bri giggles.
So right now it's around 8 and I notice a new mark show up on my hand. It says; "Check on Elora 9". Huh, I'm gonna guess that's Jamison. Wow, this could be a dangerous tool if you knew the person causing the marks. If he is coming at 9, I should probably look somewhat presentable.

I've been waiting on the couch for the past 30 minutes. I think I'm going crazy. Just then I hear a knock. Ok, I kinda had a feeling but now I'm actually freaking out. I open the door to Jamison. He's talking but I'm not hearing anything due to shock. Do I tell him? Should I be listening to what he's saying?

"ELORA, are you even listening?" He says a little loudly.

"Uh no, sorry. Come in." We walk over to the couch to sit down and I notice him staring at me.

"Ok, uh so I kinda knew you were coming here to see me tonight. That's why I wasn't really listening to you," I state nervously. He gave me a look to keep going.

"Ok, uh can I see your hand?"

"Uh why?"

"Just, please?" I plead. He gives me his hand and I see the message written on his hand. I was kind of expecting it, but I'm still in shock. I look up at him and he looks so confused. He looks so cute though... ugh geez, just show him your hand already. I show him my palm and he just looks up at me in udder shock.

"How'd u know I wrote that on my hand? And why'd u put it on your hand?" He stutters.

"I didn't. It's a mark."

"A mark? What do you mean? How'd you get a mark from me?"

"I don't know! But we have the same marking, but you wrote yours."

"That's insane, how.."

"Here lets put it to the test." I grab a pen and start writing on my hand. We watch his hand patiently to see what shows up. Slowly, something appears and it's the same marking I just put on my hand. He slowly looks up at me, his eyes searching mine.

"How'd you even think of this as a possibility?"

"A piqued interest from my grandma and I found a book in the library written by a local. I put my ideas together and wanted to see for myself. But my question is still why? Is it just between us or a couple people. Is everyone like us?" His eyes full of thought, looked straight into mine. He reached his hand to my face and pulled me in, kissing me, slowly yet eagerly. My heart is thumping against my chest and all I can think is that this just feels.. right. I wrap my arms around his neck and put my fingers through his hair, and he pulls me closer. I can feel his heartbeat against mine as he pulls me on top of him. As his hands linger around my waist and touch the skin just below my shirt, all I want to do is be with him but I can't. I pull back and gasp heavily. I can't, not yet. I need to find out more. He looks at me with such lust in his eyes, it makes it even more difficult to stand up.

"I'm sorry, I just.. I can't. Not until I know more."

"No, no, no, don't apologize. I understand," he says. He takes a step towards me and it's taking everything inside me to not to kiss him. Ugh why do I do this to myself.

"Okay, well it's getting late. I should go to bed," I say looking away from him.

"Yeah, yeah, me too. Uhh see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see you." I walk him to the door and he turns around and hugs me. I hope he can't feel how fast my heart is beating. He pulls back and gives me that smile that melts my heart.

"Night Elora"

"Night Jamison"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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